Dive policies change for the 2011-2012 school year

Those who frequent the Dive will notice several changes to how things are run this year. Along with the standard rule of no outside food or drink, new policies regarding the Dive’s usage include a stricter enforcement of capacity, which is set at 300 people, and the availability of a coat and bag check in Linner Lounge.

The Dive is a student lounge and dance area in the basement of the Johnson Student Union. “The new policies are designed for better safety and security.  Once we reach 300 people, the doors will be locked and no one will be able to come in until people leave,” Campus Safety Officer Heather Wilmes said. “No coats or bags will be allowed in the Dive or hallway, as they have been in the past.”

Another new rule regards the small staircase near the pillars and the bar.  They will now be the only point of entry to the dance floor. “The back door by the ramp can now be used to exit the Dive, but not to enter,” Director of Student Activities Megan Ruble said.

“IDs are also required this year, no exceptions,” Ruble said. Guest passes which aren’t filled out before 10:00 p.m. on Fridays at the Student Activities Office desk can be purchased in Linner Lounge once the Dive has started.

The changes are being made in response to prior safety risks for students and their possessions. “We’ve been thinking of ideas to rework the Dive for a few years now, and this is the outcome of those ideas,” Ruble said.

“Some of the issues we had were rising problems with the theft of students belongings, students and guests swapping IDs and people sneaking inside the back doors to avoid having to pay a fee or have a guest pass,” Wilmes said.

The changes will also make things easier for those who work the Dive dances. “From a safety perspective it will be more effective for us and Campus Safety to identify a student if we need to,” Wilmes said.

“We want the Dive to be a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved, and a lot of these changes are for that reason. Entry is much more streamlined and hopefully possessions will be safer this way,” Ruble said.