Off Campus Housing

With the housing selection process for 2012-2013 rapidly approaching, students are hurrying to get their affairs in order as they decide where they want to live for the next school year. Opportunity to be granted off campus housing has always been a point of interest for upperclassmen students at Gustavus; seeing the enormity of the incoming first-year class this past fall, many students are hoping … Continue reading Off Campus Housing

Fifty things never heard at Gustavus

In honor of the Overheard at Gustavus and Gustavus Memes Facebook groups to the Gustavus student community, here are some quotes that have never, and will never be overheard while walking around campus. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you fifty quotes never to be spoken amongst these sacred halls. 1. I hate Jen Fox. 2. Alisa Rosenthal has to be the easiest prof at … Continue reading Fifty things never heard at Gustavus

Cynicism is sexy

Cynicism is, I believe, the default worldview of many Americans. It is also, the laziest and, quite frankly, the most dangerous way to observe humans and human nature. It’s easy to see the actions of a few and extrapolate them across the entirety of mankind. However it’s also remarkably unhelpful. Cynicism probably took off in this country in the mid-1970s as a result of the … Continue reading Cynicism is sexy


Of the many painful and exhausting activities I engaged in over that delightfully unproductive interim we call J-term, perhaps none was more excruciating than closely following the Republican presidential primary coverage. A close second was the hour every day I spent laboring in front of the TV with my virtual fitness guru Shaun T. and the workout regimen he has so aptly named the “Insanity” … Continue reading Insanity

Women’s basketball falls to Concordia, drops two in a row

Tough road trip stifles the Gustie women as they prepare for the playoffs The women’s basketball team had three crucial conference matchups over the last week. They first defeated St. Mary’s with a final of 70-56, but then lost a pair of road games against Macalester and then Concordia. Abby Rothenbuehler was the spark for the Gusties in the St. Mary’s matchup, as she finished … Continue reading Women’s basketball falls to Concordia, drops two in a row

Philanthropy on par for Kolquist

Every year hordes of Minnesotans take advantage of winter break and escape the cold by migrating to the sun and warmth of Arizona. This last break, Junior Golfer Alex Kolquist was no exception. Kolquist spent his break working toward more than just a good tan by competing in  the Patriot All-America, a three-day golf tournament for charity that took place at the Wigwam Arizona in … Continue reading Philanthropy on par for Kolquist