Gustavus Dance Company honored at ACDFA

Lights, camera, dance! Accompanied by Theatre and Dance Department Assistant Professors Melissa Rolnick and Jill Patterson, 19 Gustavus dance students attended the annual American Collegiate Dance Festival Association (ACDFA) in Milwaukee, Wisc. March 14-18. The ACDFA conference travels around the country and is held in a different city each year. The name of the conference will be changing next year to the American Collegiate Dance … Continue reading Gustavus Dance Company honored at ACDFA

Fairy tale-inspired String Moves captivates students

The air fills with the swells and dips of a piano, two cellists, and a violinist, all moving in one, fluid motion. Students lean eagerly over the railings as a dancer gracefully bends and curls across the floor. The only moving things are the dancer and the strings. String Moves, a concert put on by four professional musicians and a renowned choreographer and dancer, took … Continue reading Fairy tale-inspired String Moves captivates students

Sharing cultures, Africa Night excites and educates

This year’s Africa Night, held on Friday, April 11, packed in a night full of African music, dance, fashion, and food for students, staff, and spectators. This annual event is sponsored by the Pan-Afrikan Student Organization (PASO), a student-led organization that is dedicated to celebrating African culture and using events as an outlet to educate the community. Africa Night provides them with the opportunity to … Continue reading Sharing cultures, Africa Night excites and educates

Duluth showcases Homegrown Music Festival

Thousands of festival-goers flock across the streets and parks of Duluth, Minn. and Superior, Wisc., with friends and a beer in hand. Some are in pursuit of  their favorite local bands, and others are on their way to discover the new and upcoming music of the north. For eight days, parks, restaurants, bars, and coffee shops will become music havens and open their doors to … Continue reading Duluth showcases Homegrown Music Festival

An Objective Objective

Most of us are aware of several bias-related incidents and “hate crimes” that have occurred within the last several months. Although I don’t know all the facts, I know enough to say these incidents are examples of subjectivity and close-mindedness. There has been a flurry of responses to these cases, including responses by the GUSTAVIAN WEEKLY and by school administration. So the question is, how … Continue reading An Objective Objective

Let’s All Agree Not to be Hipsters

It started with Twilight. Then the Hunger Games. Now, it’s things as silly as hating people who like a children’s movie like Frozen. People who haven’t even seen these movies or read the books state that they hate them simply because they’re popular enough to cause a ruckus among most of society. People like them, so people post about them on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter … Continue reading Let’s All Agree Not to be Hipsters

Do We Need A Shift?

I think that we shouldn’t exclusively focus on those in poverty. I think that we should not focus so much on other people suffering. Instead, I think that we should focus on athletic achievements and on the entertainment industry. I want to hear about Adrian Peterson breaking records, about who won the Oscar for Best Leading Actor, about Apple’s new iPhone 8 (or whatever number they … Continue reading Do We Need A Shift?

Calendar (4/18/2014)

* The Calendar Page is considered editorial. The opinions expressed herein are not the opinions of The GusTavian Weekly, but you know what, The GusTavian Weekly? It’s about damn time you take responsibility those you hire! Sunday, April 20 Zumba with Paige: Lund 224 7 p.m. It’s an amazing thing to see your dreams come true before your eyes. Zumba War 2014 is that very realization … Continue reading Calendar (4/18/2014)

Alternative Student Press

Independent papers give students more voices Students of an increasing number of alternative publications, largely started from scratch, are changing the definition of what it means to be a college journalist and revolutionizing how news at colleges and universities is provided and produced. By offering an unbound, real-time take on news at Gustavus, these alternative student publications are able to go beyond what the mainstream, … Continue reading Alternative Student Press