A lasting impression

Ranging from Miranda Sings to President Obama and even Helen Keller, everyone alive or dead is likely represented on social media. Social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr have given people a vector to communicate their opinions about anything under the sun to the entire world instantaneously. Social media for better, or for worse, has driven its tendrils deep into the lives of our … Continue reading A lasting impression


It was a normal December afternoon when Alex Peck returned home to find a freshly sealed letter from Gustavus Adolphus College waiting for him on the counter. His ordinary December afternoon soon turned extraordinary when he opened the letter to find a confirmation of his acceptance to Gustavus Adolphus College.  Like most prospective students, he was thirsty to find out exactly what he would be … Continue reading THE SOCIAL NETWORK @GUSTAVUS

Campus Safety Report (2/7/2014)

Monday, January 27 A College employee reported an accident that happened involving a Gustavus vehicle. Residential Life staff and Campus Safety responded to damage to property/vandalism and a College policy violation in Sohre Hall involving two students. Tuesday, January 28  Campus Safety responded to a report of a student missing in North Hall. The student was located and cited for underage consumption. Wednesday, January 29  … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (2/7/2014)

Christmas in Christ Chapel 2013: Holy Wisdom, Holy Word

Twinkling lights adorn the trees around campus, the Evelyn Young Dining Room glimmers with holiday decorations, and the risers appear in the chapel–all sure signs of the rapid approach of a favorite event on campus. A highly anticipated event for alumni, current students and their families, Christmas in Christ Chapel returns to usher in the holiday season with performances on Dec. 6, 7, and 8. … Continue reading Christmas in Christ Chapel 2013: Holy Wisdom, Holy Word

Senate discusses financial budget

In order to keep students and faculty fully aware of the financial state of the college, the Gustavus Student Senate sponsored a Financial Transparency Forum on Nov. 21 hosted by Vice President of Finance Ken Westphal. Student Senate Co-Presidents, Matt Timmons and Danielle Cabrera, invited Westphal to speak after the successful turnout at last year’s event. Key points of the meeting included how Gustavus generates … Continue reading Senate discusses financial budget

Technical error affects college applications nationwide

Colleges throughout the nation are busy reviewing applications of potential candidates for next year’s enrollment. More than 500 institutions, including Gustavus Adolphus College, use the Common Application and have been making an effort to tend to the needs of panicking high school seniors while the system undergoes technical difficulties. “For us, it is an issue because we are about 35 percent common app and we get … Continue reading Technical error affects college applications nationwide

Gustavus seeks to measure return on education

With college costs and student debt rising steadily each year, a national conversation has begun to develop about evaluating the return on investment (ROI) for schools of higher education. Additionally, websites like Payscale.com have gained publicity for their lists that rank colleges by their perceived ROI, without taking into account the immeasurable factors that contribute to the value of higher education such as experiences, skills, … Continue reading Gustavus seeks to measure return on education

Gymnastics raises the bar this season

The gymnastics team competed in their first meet on Saturday, Nov. 23 in the Alumni Meet held at Gustavus. The team used this competition to practice and evaluate where they currently stand after training since the season began in early October. “I was really impressed with how the meet went, because it’s really early in our season. We have well over a month before our … Continue reading Gymnastics raises the bar this season