Letters to the Editor (3/28/2014)

Response to the Student Senate proposal to cut the International Representative through student vote. I do not support Student Senate’s vote to remove the International Representative (IR) position. We have been discussing diversity awareness on campus this year given the occurrence of hate crimes and bias incidents. In the same meeting Senate decided to cut the IR position, they passed a resolution, saying, “the students … Continue reading Letters to the Editor (3/28/2014)

Calendar (3/28/2014)

* The Calendar Page is considered editorial. The opinions expressed herein are not the opinions of The GusTavian Weekly, but the uplifting hopes and dreams of Spring Break to counter the soul-crushing weight of mid- term grades. Friday, March 28 Mike English Retirement: Three Crowns Room 4:30p.m.-7p.m. This famous and infamous legend will be retiring from Gustavus Campus Saftey. Will you be taking the Segway with … Continue reading Calendar (3/28/2014)

People of Gustavus

Gustavus students provide insight to their individual stories Nothing is so warm and inviting, yet as challenging and poignant, as a powerful story that is told well. They’re not always easy to excavate, but the cliché holds true that everyone has a story. The popular photo blog Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton emphasizes the power of an individual’s story with a single picture accompanied … Continue reading People of Gustavus

Campus Safety Report (3/28/2014)

Monday March 17 No incidents reported. Tuesday March 18 A Gustavus student reported the theft of personal belongings from Rundstrom Hall. Wednesday, March 19 No incidents reported. Thursday, March 20 Campus safety responded to a medical assist in Uhler Hall. One student was cited by Campus Safety for an of-age alcohol violation in College View. Two students were cited for failure to comply with a … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (3/28/2014)

Editorial (3/21/2014)

Time to Vote No This week I resigned from my position on Student Senate because I could no longer be a member of a supposed body of representation that sought to silence underrepresented voices in our community, supposedly in the name of equality. Last Monday, Student Senate voted in favor of amending its Constitution to remove the position of International Representative, citing this position as … Continue reading Editorial (3/21/2014)

Presidents’ Awards for Civic Engagement Announced

The 2014 Civic Engagement Awards have been announced, recognizing outstanding individuals and community partners in their excellent civic engagement. The Minnesota Campus Compact provides opportunities for presidents of member institutions to give statewide recognition to effective leaders in the development of campus-community partnerships through their annual Presidents’ Awards for Civic Engagement. Each institution’s president may recognize one honoree in student leadership, stewardship, and community partnership. … Continue reading Presidents’ Awards for Civic Engagement Announced

Presidential Cabinet Forum fosters discussion of campus issues

A panel of seven Presidential Cabinet members joined with Student Senate Co-Presidents Matt Timmons and Dani Cabrera in an open dialogue with Gustavus students on Wednesday, March 19. The evening began with introductions of the students in attendance. Many students expressed affiliation with Divest Gustavus, Student Senate, and the Center for Servant Leadership, as well as general interest in communication and decision-making on campus. Sophomore Kaitlyn … Continue reading Presidential Cabinet Forum fosters discussion of campus issues