U.S. and China debate over global governance

There is constant debate over who should dictate the laws of the global economy. For the last 100 years or so, that duty has fallen on the shoulders of the United States. Recently, we have seen China’s world influence increase dramatically. With initiatives like the newly ratified BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China) development bank and the Chinese investment bank AIIB (Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), China … Continue reading U.S. and China debate over global governance

Third annual Faith Conference discusses economic justice

With roots in the Lutheran church, Gustavus Adolphus College will engage with the wider community of the ELCA on Saturday, April 25, through the third annual Faith Conference. This year, the event’s title is “Lutheran Convictions and Economic Justice: Biblical Themes, Current Realities, and Ethical Choices,” and will relate finances and faith. The Gustavus Association of Congregations, composed of roughly 550 church bodies, annually holds … Continue reading Third annual Faith Conference discusses economic justice

Goodwin kicks off first Matthias Wahlstrom Lecture

The first annual Matthias Wahlstrom Lecture was given by Deborah Goodwin on Friday, April 14. The topic was on liberal arts education for the 21st century specifically looking at Liberal Arts and Class Warfare. Associate Provost and Dean of Arts and Humanities Paula O’Loughlin has been working on getting this lecture started for the past two years, and recently received the funds from an anonymous … Continue reading Goodwin kicks off first Matthias Wahlstrom Lecture

Campus Safety Report (4/24/15)

Monday, April 13 • Campus Safety responded to a report of the theft of Gustavus property near the Interpretive Center. A bag of potting soil was discovered missing on Saturday, April 11. Thursday, April 16  • Campus Safety responded to Sorensen Hall for a report of suspicious activity. One student was referred to the campus conduct system for an of-age alcohol violation. • Campus Safety … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (4/24/15)

MAYDAY! Conference addresses ‘The War Within’ veterans

The theme of Gustavus Adolphus College’s 35th annual MAYDAY! is “The War Within: Can the Soldier Be at Peace?” According to Associate Professor in Political Science, Environmental Studies, Japanese Studies, and Peace Studies Richard Leitch, the theme of this year’s conference was chosen because of the importance of understanding the obstacles that soldiers confront. This means asking questions about how we as a community can … Continue reading MAYDAY! Conference addresses ‘The War Within’ veterans

TEDx Conference brings speakers on leadership

The TEDxGustavusAdolphusCollege talks took place Saturday, April 18 in Wallenberg Auditorium, offering differing perspectives and ideas on leadership from nine different speakers. The theme of the event was “Leading the Way Forward: Being, Seeing, Doing;” its focus was on leadership and what that means from various perspectives. Director for Leadership and Community-Based Service Dave Newell led the planning and organizing of the event. “The title … Continue reading TEDx Conference brings speakers on leadership

Movie goers look forward to blockbuster summer

With the Avengers: Age of Ultron landing in theaters next week, the summer blockbuster season will officially begin. Followed by a plethora of action movies, sequels, comedies, and animated films, the silver screen will be shining brightly all summer. With so much anticipation aimed at the Avengers sequel, not much can be said about the film that hasn’t already been said. Expected to be the … Continue reading Movie goers look forward to blockbuster summer

Jazz Cover Singer Serenades St. Peter

Kim Krulish Jazz Cover Singer Serenades St. Peter Area Music enthusiasts around St. Peter are in for a treat this Friday, April 24. Soft jazz cover singer Maud Hixson will be performing at the Treaty Site History Center in St. Peter at 7:30 p.m., with doors opening at 7 p.m. The program, titled “An Evening With Maud Hixson,” will be presented by the Mankato Area … Continue reading Jazz Cover Singer Serenades St. Peter