Gustie of the Week- Gabe Maurer

Taylor Storlien-

unior Gabe Maurer -both involved and passionate- is this week’s Gustie of the Week. He is a Student Senate Co-President, Writing Center tutor, and an Environmental Sustainability intern. He is also a treasurer for not only Model UN but also Debate Club and Campus Democrats. He is a double major in Environmental Science and Political Science, but that wasn’t his plan when he came to Gustavus: “I originally came here to do genetics because I really liked the puzzle aspect of it,” Maurer said. Maurer has always been an advocate within politics, however, he wanted to have job security after college, “I actually promised myself that I wouldn’t go into political science,” Maurer said.

After following his passion for Political Science and Environmental Science, Maurer has now applied to law school. “International and environmental law combines my two loves…I want to try to fight for people who don’t have the resources to hire lawyers,” Maurer said.

Junior Mel Pardock and Maurer met during their first year through Model UN. “Gabe is one of the most intelligent, dedicated, patient, kind, and hard-working people I’ve ever met. Being his friend and observing his integrity and dedication to what he views as important has made me a more hard-working person, as well as more of a knowledge-seeker. Being around him always puts a smile on my face, and I always learn something while talking with him,” Pardock said.

Within his political science courses, he has created connections with many. Senior Jakob Foss met Maurer during Foss’ sophomore year in Analyzing Politics: “It’s been a great time. Ever since that day, we’ve continued to have more classes together, and still do. It’s been great to discuss politics, life, and anything else with Gabe, he’s just a great guy and a great friend,” Foss said. Maurer’s love for political science shines through in his class participation too, “I loved having Gabe in class because conversation was elevated with him. He asks good questions and offers creative perspectives. He also listens to his classmates. We had a lot of fun in US Foreign Policy last spring in our mock National Security Council crisis scenarios,” Professor Loramy Gerstbauer said.

Throughout his time here, someone who has really inspired him is Professor Kate Knudsen. “I respect her so much, it is crazy…Kate Knudsen is a tour de force, she does it all,” Maurer said. She helped place him on the law track when she sat him next to a current law student at an event. Since then, he has interned at the St. Peter Law Office for a year, and Professor Knudsen has helped check his law school applications.

Maurer began his time in the Student Senate as a first-year. “I remember it was rough at the beginning of my freshman year, and I thought about running [for senate]. I called my dad and thought I should do it,” Maurer said. Maurer looked up to fellow (now-graduated) Gustie, Ben Menke, in his first year here at Gustavus, and Menke helped him with his application to Student Senate which has led him to have many of the connections that he currently has.

One of his favorite memories at Gustavus is his J-term trip to India last year. “I have always been interested in Buddhism to a minor degree, but their emphasis on placing humans first is really interesting,” Maurer said. One of the geshes of the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala left a lasting impact on Maurer: “He taught me a lot about how to relate to others and move forward with empathy,” Maurer said. Maurer emphasizes compassion in all aspects of his life: “I can’t say enough how genuinely kind Gabe is. I am yet to see him angry, and he seems to always bring light to any situation,” Pardock said.

Three words that could describe Maurer are “Passionate, kind, and dedicated,” Pardock said. Maurer is community-service-oriented: “I really want to help out my fellow human beings. It’s all worth it,” Maurer said. “I think as a lawyer, I am going to have to draw on my love for community service especially in impoverished situations,” Maurer said. “Gabe has taken on a lot of leadership roles and manages his time well.  But some of his greatest strengths are his positive attitude and compassion for others.  He has a lot of energy and usually has a smile on his face,” Professor Gerstbauer said.

Outside of academics, Maurer shares his outgoing sense of humor and kindness with those around him. Senior Sam Harlan and Maurer met through Model UN. “Frankly, Gabe is among the smartest, kindest, and most ingenious people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I am proud to call him my friend, and I believe the Gustavus community should rightfully take pride in knowing such an individual is a member of our community and a student leader,” Harlan said.

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