‘Make your life count’ shouldn’t be a cliché

Far too often adults question me about my passions, and current intentions of pursuing them in college.

We’ve all been there.

As a college student I feel pressured to not only know how I dream of spending the rest of my life, but also articulate my intentions of how to achieve my success.

But, the phrase “pursuing your true passions” has begun to sound like a cliché.

The reality of being a part of a new, complex community is the wide array of exposure to new experiences.

Here at Gustavus, students are consistently encouraged to dabble in any opportunities that may spark their interests.

The idolized goal for most is to somewhere along the way stumble into a subject that resonates within them  beyond explanation.

Posters are plastered against the wall, interest tests are e-mailed to students weekly, not to forget the overwhelming open opportunities at Gustavus’s very own Involvement Fair.

Gusties are encouraged to “Make Your Life Count”, a statement that seems to be out of proportion with what lies in our control as college students.

Being a part of the Gustavus community seems to be as close to our fingertips as ever before, but is that a good thing?

Days consistently booked with classes, a desire to become a part of the Gustavus community remains unfulfilled for many.

In the rural town of St. Peter, the social circle kindles college spirit within the small radius of the school.

With comfortable, familiar faces around campus, we are all bound to create relationships with one another.

Why is it necessary to feel guilted into attending clubs, organized meetings, and events to broaden our spectrum of personal connections?

If we are honest with ourselves, we experience these opportunities daily, in a natural fashion.

Why isn’t our focus as college students more central on the things we can control, to make our lives count?

The reality of being a part of a new, complex community is the new wide array of exposure to new experiences.

The task of creating purpose to a life commitment sounds daunting.

This phrase should be inspiring.

As a community, the Gustavus student body should discover how to make their life count in little ways, simply by being engaged with others.

Take the time to cut back on obligations that don’t draw a smile to your face, and invest the energy into a friend in the lunch line, or a neighbor in the courtyard.

Advisors, counselors, professors, and fellow students begin to become swept up in the search for passions to where they feel investing time is necessary.

The honest truth of action is found within the simplicity of one another.

Honing the skill of reaching out to those that happen to be where you are at the same place, at the same time, isn’t fate.

It is simply life.

Invest in one another, and invest in supporting each other as we all remain on the search to find what truly makes us excited to become further educated.

Making your life count has never been easier. Give it a try.