Top Four News Stories of 2016 at Gustavus

Historic Donation Makes Nobel Renovations Possible
September 11, 2015 – Gustavus began the school year by announcing the largest gift in the college’s history. An anonymous donor donated 25 million dollars to be put towards the renovation of the Alfred Nobel Hall of Science. The renovation plans include expansions to the North, South and West wings of the building. Further plans include interior upgrades to enhance laboratory learning experiences available to students.

Gusties for Pinked Out with Planned Parenthood
October 2, 2015 – Gusties all over campus sported pink attire to support Planned Parenthood. The day was organized by WAC co-presidents, senior Leah Soule, and sophomore Jessica Green, as part of a larger, national event. “The point of the Pink-Out is to show our support for Planned Parenthood. Our goal is to share the information about Minnesota Planned Parenthood and to show solidarity,” Green said.

Sexual Assault at Gustavus
March 4, 2016 – After the Mankato Free Press reported that a Gustavus male student was being charged with sexual assault, discussions around campus arose around the current policies existing to handle cases of sexual assault. Students and staff voiced their opinions and discussed setting goals for the future to ensure a campus where all voices are heard and students are knowledgable regarding school policies.

Orange is the New Black’s Lea DeLaria speaks in Christ Chapel
May 13, 2016 – Star of the popular Netflix series, Orange is the New Black, actress Lea DeLaria visited Gustavus on May 10. DeLaria is also known for being the first openly gay comic to take the stage on many late-night talkshows. She is also a prominent figure in the LGBT community. DeLaria entertained the audience through humor and song, while discussing important topics on gender identity and equity.

Seniors of the Gustavian Weekly

Matthew Glaser
Managing Editor

Senior Matthew Glaser will graduate with a degree in Economic Analysis and Honors in Philosophy. Glaser has been involved with the Weekly for over a year and has held the positions of Opinion Columnist, Opinion Editor, and Managing Editor. “I’ll miss getting to work with everyone to put together a publication. It’s such a team effort and some weeks it is tough and stressful, other weeks everything grooves just right, but at the end of it all I am always proud of the work everyone does and feel blessed to have played a part in it,” said Glaser. After a summer in Minnesota, Glaser will be moving to Berlin, Germany for 9 months to live and work.

Konnor Tranoris
Advertising and Business Manager

Konnor Tranoris will graduate with a degree in International Management. As the advertising and business manager, Tranoris was responsible for selling advertising space within the newspaper to companies and managing the Weekly’s finances, budget, payroll and bills. After graduation, Tranoris will work as an investment associate with Vanguard in Charlotte, North Carolina. “My favorite part of being involved with the Weekly was being able to talk with the small family businesses in Saint Peter as well as the pizza every Wednesday!”

Deven Kelley
News Editor

English major Deven Kelley will complete her first year on the paper this semester. Kelley became interested in an editor position after the previous Managing Editor spoke to her class in the Fall. As the News Editor, Kelley laid out the design of the News section each week, and came up with story ideas. “I loved the design aspect of [the Weekly], and the people! It was a great experience,” said Kelley. Kelley will nanny full-time this summer with a part-time internship with plans to move to San Diego the following April.