Traveling from his home in Burundi, Africa, Sophomore Hubert-Christian Ngabirano joined the Gustavus community spring semester of last year.
For any student, let alone an international one, joining half way through the school year when social circles have already been formed and counterparts already transitioned into school can be a daunting experience, but Hubert hasn’t let that challenge faze him at all.
“Whenever I see someone I want to get to know I just approach him or her and ask them to chat. It’s a very rewarding experience to sit and actually have a deep conversation with someone new. I don’t allow myself to be afraid to introduce myself to people I don’t know. Some of my friends I met while washing my hands in a restroom, others walking through the cafeteria, and others through organizations,” Hubert said.
This fearless attitude toward strangers has led Hubert to develop relationships within months that usually take others years to establish.
“The first time we met, I was sitting with Logan Boese and Marissa Haeny and Hubert came up and asked if he could join us. Approaching a group of three juniors like that is something that is uncommon and pretty brave for a first-year student to do. I was really impressed by his courage,” Senior Griffin Reed said.
Not only has he made a quick impression on his peers but the Gustavus staff as well.
“He is engaging, calm, inquisitive, and positive. He continues to impress me and I feel he will do well at whatever he chooses to do.”
—Jeffrey Anderson

“Hubert has made a big impact in a very short time. A lot of Gustavus staff have told me how much they love him. He is engaging, calm, inquisitive, and positive. He continues to impress me and I feel he will do well at whatever he choo ses to do,” International Student Services Coordinator Jeffrey Anderson said.
Along with forming relationships with others, faith is a significant aspect of Hubert’s life and personality.
“Balancing steadfast faith and respect for others can sometimes be tough to do, but Hubert does exactly that. His love of both God and his fellow community members work hand in hand, as his faith calls him to live a life of service to others,” Senior Sam Panzer said.
“I think he’s already on his way to becoming one of the most well-respected and well-loved individuals on campus.”
—Morgan Timm
He fulfills that service to others in many ways. He’s a member of Proclaim, Prepare, PASO and the French Club executive board as well as Administrative Director of the Student Senate Cabinet. He says he does all of this not simply to grow as an individual but to fulfill a larger purpose in life.
“There’s a quote by Les Brown that says, ‘the graveyard is the richest place on earth, because it is here that you will find all the hopes and dreams that were never fulfilled.’ This influences everything that I do because it makes me conscious every single day that I’m meant to give all of my potential while I’m living. I want to die empty and happy that I fulfilled my entire purpose,” Hubert said.
As he continues his journey at Gustavus, studying chemistry with the hope to eventually study medicine and become a doctor, Hubert intends to do everything in his power to leave a lasting impression within the community.

“Hubert wants to be a doctor and return to Burundi to practice medicine. I think he will make a wonderful, compassionate physician someday. In the meantime, I think he’s already on his way to becoming one of the most well-respected and well-loved individuals on campus. I’m sure that he will make a lasting impact regardless of the organization he dedicates himself to,” Senior Mogan Timm said.