International Festival provides global experience

A small corner of campus will be host to a wide variety of global perspectives, as the International Cultures Club will sponsore the annual International Festival on Saturday, Nov. 22, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. in Alumni Hall.

The event will include an opportunity to view display boards representing a variety of different cultures, as well as a chance to see a slide show featuring submitted photographs from the International Photo Contest held earlier this year. Festival attendees will also have the opportunity to sample a variety of authentic foods prepared by students.

“This event is a great opportunity for students to learn about students at Gustavus who come from a variety of different backgrounds and kind of get, I’d like to say a taste, literally and figuratively of what it’s like to be from a[nother] country,” Herchran Singh, Public Relations Officer for the International Cultures Club said.

According Singh a fashion show will showcase clothing from a variety of cultures and nations, as emcees describe the apparel.

A talent show will also display talents from across the globe, and Singh remarked that she has choreographed and will be part of a Bollywood dance performance.

“Each year is totally unique,” Jeff Anderson, advisor of the International Cultures Club (ICC) said.

“It’s just wonderful to be in a room with people from all over the world and get to learn more about their cultures, and then just see a lot of talented students performing,” Anderson said.

Dominic Delmont, president of the International Cultures Club, noted that admission to the festival is free and open to the campus and the general public.

Singh and Delmont said a large variety of nationalities will be featured in the festival.

“It’s not necessarily about the number of countries, but more the cultures that the students on campus are bringing here. Whether it’s because they studied abroad and learned about the country and were immersed in that and wanted to share that with other people, or they’re international students who are actually from part of that culture and want to explain how things actually are and take away the stereotypes people might have,” Singh said.

Anderson, Singh, and Delmont encourage students to attend the festival to support the students involved and to enjoy the diversity on campus.

“It’s a great way to learn about other cultures, support the international students, people who studied abroad, exchange information about different cultures.”—Dominic Delmont

“It’s a great way to learn about other cultures, support the international students, people who studied abroad, exchange information about different cultures.  And it’s really fun,” Delmont said.

-Libby Larson