Imagine being able to play golf all year round, even with the long, harsh Minnesota winter approaching. The Drenttel Golf Facility was built for this reason.
This golf facility is 2,650 square feet and includes three heated stalls, an indoor putting green, simulators, new video analysis equipment, and a team lounge. Each hitting stall will have state of the art technology for analyzing swings.
The Drenttel Golf Facility was created by huge contributions and donations from the Drenttel family and other alumni families. Randy Stuckey and Bruce Aarsvold have been instrumental throughout the planning and fund raising process.
“Everyone has their own reason but at the end of the day it is to support the college and the golf program we have here.” Sophomore Mallory Drenttel
Men’s Coach Scott Moe was the person who envisioned this project, which has now come to life. He realized the Minnesota weather during the spring can be unpredictable, and wanted this golf facility to defeat the odds with canceling practices and offering practice year round.
“It has put our teams at a huge disadvantage heading into the national tournaments in the spring. We are very thankful for the commitment and vision of the Drenttel Family and our supportive alumni that have allowed this project to move forward,” Moe said.
Some of the advantages are location on campus, a five minute walk compared to a twenty-five minute drive to the home course in Le Sueur. In addition to extended practices, golfers can immediately get feedback on their progress through the hitting stalls. With these advantages, the golf team looks forward to an improved spring and fall season.
“Those that are willing to put in the time will make huge strides over the winter. The putting green will help us tremendously on our stroke and confidence,” Moe said.
“The Drenttel Golf Facility is going to be a huge advantage to us in the spring. Our games will be ready to transition to outdoor play almost as seamlessly as we start our fall season.—Scott Moe
One of the many golfers that will put this facility to use is Jordan Drenttel. Drenttel is the captain of the women’s golf team and also a very busy student. She finds that the facility will make it easier for her to practice her swings.
“The Drenttel Golf Facility is going to be a huge advantage to us in the spring. Our games will be ready to transition to outdoor play almost as seamlessly as we start our fall season. It will also be advantageous when it is stormy or snowy in the fall and spring and we can continue to work on our game as our competitors are forced to remain indoors. The importance of this facility is to ensure the continued success of this program for many years to come. For the first time we are having recruits come north to play for us, which is almost unheard of in golf,” said Jordan Drenttel.
Not only is the team going to be practicing on it, but they are also running some clinics for the local youth during the winter months to hopefully generate some excitement throughout the schools. With that being said, the facility will occasionally open for rental by the public, Gustavus students and faculty, but there is not a set schedule.
The opening date for the Drenttel Golf Facility has yet to be decided, with sights on the end of October. Drenttel Golf Facility is located on the back end of the intramural softball fields.
-Jessica Yang