Media Crazy: Most Used Apps at Gustavus

Screen Shot 2013-02-28 at 8.00.50 PMWith more students than ever having access to smartphones, the rise in application use continues to grow. Although application categories such as games, music, and photos have a steady uprising, educational applications are now being recognized as useful for college students who are almost always on-the-go. For students who may need reminders and extra assistance with school deadlines, there are a surprising amount of applications that are perfect for students.

As well as keeping up-to-date with school work, markets are continuing to come up with new applications for social networking opportunities. This allows people to connect with one another—although sometimes the amount of use that is averaged for these applications is slightly outrageous. With the largely popular Facebook and Twitter applications in mind, it must also be considered that there are infinite ways to share your life—from constant photo sharing (Instagram), to being the champion of check-ins (Foursquare), to pinning your favorite pages on a virtual bulletin board (Pinterest).

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The options are limitless for staying completely plugged in, and if you have an idea for an application, it’s most likely already out there. (Want to scare your friends with close-up pictures of your face? Try Snapchat.)

When Gustavus students were asked in a random survey to describe a made-up application that they wish they had, almost all of the responses were describing applications that already existed. The one application that hasn’t been invented yet that was mentioned was a “power hour” music app.

So, if you’re looking for a way to organize your closet virtually,  sound like Darth Vader, or chop fruit in mid-air with a sword, you don’t have to look far—they’re probably in the top 25 apps this week.

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4 thoughts on “Media Crazy: Most Used Apps at Gustavus

  1. So true….there are so many cool apps these days. My friend that I golf with has a $200+ GPP unit that he uses when we golf. I found a free app for my smart phone that was just as accurate, and the best part it was free.

    Another cool app that I found is called Rippln. It is like a cross between twitter and facebook. I found that at

    Cool stuff.

  2. Thanks for this great article! I will definitely be sharing this info. I hear even k-12 schools are allowing students to bring technology to school.

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