The women’s hockey team’s Head Coach Mike Carroll believes the season has been good so far and notices the building chemistry that continues to grow within the team. He believes that the younger players are working just fine with the rest of the team. The team seems to recognize their mistakes and use them as tools for learning, while they remain in control of their game and put their best foot forward.
“Each team, each year is different,” Coach Carroll said.
In their recent team trip to Austria, the women’s hockey team won all three of their games played there. The team goes every three years and the goal is to give the girls the experience of going to another country. The hockey season takes up both semesters and does not allow players the opportunity to travel abroad, therefore the coaches take that opportunity upon themselves to make it work out in the best way possible. Traveling together as a team has brought the girls even closer and has been a team bonding experience.
“We really go for the experience of the players. It’s more about them being able to see different parts of the world,” Coach Carroll said.
Coach Carroll still explains even with a great season so far, there is room for improvement. The team stats need more attention and the power play percentage is not where the coaches would like to see it. Overall Coach Carroll feels the need for composure in the defensive zone. He simply hopes to continue doing well and see the team get better each day. Of course they all hope to win the last game.

“If we win our last game of our season, that means we’re doing something right,” Coach Carroll said.
First-Year Forward Brianna Seebold makes it her goal to get better every practice and improve on the little things to help the team win every game. As a First-Year playing college hockey, she believes her experience has been nothing but good this season with her new team. Overall the women’s hockey team is doing great with their wins, but Seebold believes there are still things to improve.
“I think our trip to Austria was a great experience, and it brought all of us together. We learned about each other in a way what would have never otherwise learned,” Seebold said.
Seebold hopes to end on a good note and keep winning for the rest of the season. As a first-year here, Seebold wishes to improve in her time here, so she can be a good asset to the team every year. She looks forward to the years ahead playing for the women’s hockey team.
Senior Defense Lindsey Hjelm has had quite the ride and experience as she will finish her last season playing hockey here at Gustavus. Hjelm feels it is a personal goal of hers to always carry a positive attitude and encourage her teammates. She also hopes to win the MIAC and playoffs and make an appearance in the final four.
“This season there has been lots of team bonding and growing chemistry with all of the players. I think all of the girls have potential to just keep getting better,” Hjelm said.
Hjelm would like to see them all continue winning games and playing well. Right now she feels they are undefeatable, and she hopes to stay on that track. As she reflects back on the trip to Austria, she feels it was an excellent experience to get to know each other better as well as learn more of one another. Hjelm is very happy to say their team won all three of their games during their stay in Europe.
“Team travels bring the team so much closer,” Hjelm said.
As Hjelm ends this season, she hopes to return to the final four this year. The women’s Hockey team has made it to the final four for the past three years. She also plans to win games and set standards for the team to achieve their goals. Hjelm is a strong believer in making the most out of every game. She hopes to leave and look back on her four years on the Gustavus team fondly, remembering the many victories they achieved and bonds they made.