Gustavus hates conservatives. You know it’s true. It’s not the fact that the liberal professors are indoctrinating the students in preparation for a Communist revolution, nor is it the fact that we allow, *shudder*, atheists on our campus. Conservatives must be so outnumbered and so closed off from the rest of the school because there is a systematic plan to get rid of them all, right?
If Gustavus didn’t hate conservatives, why else would our students support women’s rights, GLBT rights and shared religious space so vocally? Why would Christ Chapel be mostly empty every Sunday if conservatism actually had a place here? Why else would the College Republicans, the White Heterosexual American Male Scholarship, Gusties for Conceal and Carry and Gusties for Restoring America, need to be so incredibly polarized to the right?
The real reason for why conservatives feel outnumbered on this campus is that they bring it on themselves. They choose to be the voice of insanity, to be the radical right, to be so loud, that even people who care nothing about politics (about 65 percent of college students) get annoyed. Cleary—oops I meant clearly—this is not true of all the conservatives on campus, but it is for the ones who control the organizations, the microphones and the money.

But you could say “Drew, you fool! The Republicans are outnumbered! Look at the statistics if you don’t believe me!” True. But the difference in ideology does not make civil discourse and rational responses impossible. So the issue here becomes not what someone believes, but how they display those beliefs. And when you display those beliefs by bringing someone like, oh I don’t know, Steven Crowder, as the College Republicans did last Thursday, you begin to see how they do this to themselves.
Steven Crowder, called “FoxNews’s brightest, funniest young Conservative mind,” by, came to campus to discuss fiscal issues and have a Q and A session. I applaud the efforts of the Republicans for contributing to this very important discussion, however, Crowder is just another example of the Republicans trying to be loud, because they are so minimized, rather than having a real discussion.
I’m sure many of you saw Crowder last Thursday, and even more of you don’t see what the big deal is to bring him to campus, so let me give you a little history lesson. Search for Steven Crowder on YouTube, and you will find clips of him delivering the most racist view of illegal immigrants I have ever witnessed, condemning Islam as a “religion of hate” and even waterboarding Nancy Pelosi.
There comes a point when it doesn’t matter what he says or does at Gustavus; when he spews this much hate, it sticks with him.
So while I’m sure the College Republicans had no intent of bringing in these other Crowder characteristics, the point remains that the loudest voice, a voice of no compromise, a voice of extremism, is brought to campus for one purpose: to get a reaction. I’m sure Crowder did fine, and I’m sure a lot of people learned something, but remember why he, and not an economics professor, not a politician, not someone who has worked alongside the invisible hand, but a twenty-something year-old comedian with no experience is coming to our campus to talk about fiscal issues.
There is no reason for conservatives at Gustavus to feel marginalized. They have established themselves under past leadership to be a group that ignores moderates, forgets about civil discourse and focuses on the volume of the message as opposed to its content or presentation. (I would like to reiterate past leadership, because I do believe that the new president has them working in the Right direction. Pun intended.)
This is hilarious coming from one of good ol’ GAC’s most hateful lefties. Loud conservatives? Give me a break. The left on campus famously makes NON-ISSUES into gigantic smear-fests.
Caleb…You missed the point buddy…
wilbur…The republicans have not been loud under the leadership of clearly? Give me a break. What have I said as a hateful lefty? The article is making fun of the idea that many conservatives make, such as Phil Clearly, that Conservatism is marginalized at Gustavus. He thinks it’s because of blatant disregard for reason, I think it the methods used.
I’m a liberal humanist atheist and even I think this article is unhelpful. A conversation is a two-way street — if you’re going to engage the other side, you have to respect that their beliefs are different from yours and engage them on those terms. Just because you believe in yours doesn’t mean yours are any better.
Conservatives ARE marginalized at Gustavus. We all were attacked/bullied last year (as well as the entire Christian community … the real ones, not the ones that profess that this is a religious campus) when some JERK painted a rock. The conservatives are loud on campus. People seem to only ever able to name Phil. Ironically, NO ONE ELSE.
While my closest friends at Gustavus are liberal, there acceptance of me IS NOT THE NORM. Your article professing as such is highly disingenuous.
Now, to point out lefty hatred in your article … you tirelessly resort to calling Mr. Crowder a racist … has absolutely nothing to do with anything Crowder said at the event; just dismissive ad hominem.
No conservative gives you a history lesson. About how the Republican Party was created to end slavery. How the left fought against blacks, Jews, gays, and yes, women. How the left, initially, supported Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini (and currently Castro and Che). How women’s voting rights came with strong support from the GOP, and animosity from the left. How the KKK started as a terrorist group against Republicans and expanded against racial groups as well.
WAIT a minute … the parties just MAGICALLY changed with the Southern Dixie-crats under LBJ … which makes no sense given the results of Jimmy Carter’s election results, but whatever.
Wouldn’t it be wrong, by association, to call you a racist with historical facts Drew? Absolutely. It’d be far more correct to analyze you as ignorant of your party’s core structure.
Argue points and policy. Not hate speech while pretending that you’re civil. But then again, you just might be named a conservative for doing as such …
ok wilbur
Gustavus obviously hates conservatives because Gusties delete comments that conservatives leave on their school newspaper website.