Food, flight and fun: Welcome to Gustavus

First-year orientation is always a blur, with an activity-packed schedule and days full of countless new faces. The Gustie Welcome Celebration is the culmination of all of this organized chaos, and it is something even upperclassmen look forward to. As is customary of the Welcome Celebration, Gustavus will be providing and welcoming an entertainment group to campus on Monday, Sept. 6, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in Lund Arena.

Charlie Strey, assistant dean of students, explained the history of the Welcome Celebration and its absence from Gustavus after the infamous St. Peter tornado.“The year after the tornado, the gathering was discontinued until three years ago when Judy Douglas and I were talking about the gathering that used to occur. I enlisted the help of Naomi Quiram, director of the post office, and we planned a revamped Back-to-School Bash as a way to welcome all members of the community back for the academic year.”

This year’s entertainment group comes from a St. Cloud-based firm that has performed in many establishments nationwide, including county and state fairs in Idaho, Missouri, Wyoming and Minnesota. Members have accomplished many feats, including qualifying as a semi-finalist on America’s Got Talent and throwing the opening pitch at a Twins game. The Cirko Cabaret is a cirque-style show featuring aerialists, hula hoops, jugglers and acrobats. They have been featured in The Star Tribune, Minnesota Public Radio and, and promise to put on a spectacular show. They will be performing at 6:30 p.m.

As for the food, Gustavus maintains its picnic theme this year. Rick Prososki, purchasing coordinator for the cafeteria, estimates that the students will be served 6,000 brats and burgers, 500 pounds of potato salad, 2,500 ears of corn, 35 watermelons and a large lettuce salad mixed with vegetables grown in Gustavus’ own Big Hill Farm. The food will be served using compostable plates and silverware.

Come for the food, entertainment or simply to relax after a stressful few days. Most of the Gustavus community, faculty and students will be there to welcome you back or welcome you for the first time. “Sponsored by Residential Life, Campus Safety and Dining Services, the gathering has grown over the past three years to become a wonderful meeting place for faculty, staff and students on the eve of the academic year,” Strey said.