Weekly staff positions available for fall!

The Gustavian Weekly is excited to announce that it still has three staff positions available for next year.  Staffers receive valuable work experience at a real newspaper.  Might one of these positions interest you or someone you know?

  • As a Graphic Designer, you will produce advertisements for the newspaper.  We send you information regarding advertisements that need to be designed, you design them at a time during the week that is convenient for you, and then you watch to see your work in the newspaper!  This is a great opportunity for a creative person.
  • As an Advertisement Representative, you help area businesses get their name out in the community through Weekly advertisements.  You talk with local business owners, explain how advertisements in The Weekly can benefit their business, and serve as a contact point between The Weekly and the customer in the event that there are questions.  We already have a staff in place to manage the advertisement finances, so all you have to do is sell!  This is a great opportunity to establish connections with local business owners.
  • As a Distribution Manager, you will serve as the key person who delivers The Weekly to campus each week.  You will travel to our printing supplier, and put the paper on the distribution racks.  You will be the first to see The Weekly in print each week!

If you are interested in any of these positions, we would love to hear from you.  Just send a quick note to weekly@gustavus.edu, and we will follow-up shortly.  We will be monitoring E-mail over the summer.  Thanks for considering these opportunities!