Timeless Elegance: 26th annual President’s Ball

<em>Photo submitted</em>
Photo submitted

Gustavus loves traditions, including the annual semi-formal President’s Ball, commonly known as P-Ball. The 26th annual President’s Ball will be held on April 4, 2009 at the Nicollet Island Pavilion in Minneapolis. Tickets, which include dinner, were sold March 4-18 for $30 at the Student Activities Office desk; round-trip coach transportation to the Pavilion was also available for an additional $5.

This year’s P-Ball was planned by sophomore Political Science Major Brian Krahulec and Sophomore John Rasmussen, the Campus Activities Board special events co-executives. “Preliminary planning began in the spring of 2008. This included deciding on a date, selecting a venue and hiring the band,” said Rasmussen.

Continued planning of the event did not commence again until after Winter Break, and since then there has been steady planning to create a successful President’s Ball. Krahulec and Rasmussen were in charge of every detail of the planning—from signing contracts with the venue to preparing the tickets for sale. They worked in conjunction with Assistant Director of Student Activities and CAB Adviser Andrea Junso and the rest of the CAB Special Events Committee.

The Nicollet Island Pavilion was chosen as a venue for its appealing location along the Mississippi River and its overall look. “It features an outdoor walking area with stunning views of the Minneapolis skyline,” said Rasmussen. This location coincides well with this year’s theme, “Timeless Elegance.” The theme was chosen from suggestions made by the CAB Executive Board and the CAB Special Events Committee. The theme chosen is then incorporated into the decorations, invitations and advertisements.

The event is expected to be sold out at 700 attendees, including President Ohle, who will be speaking. The three dinner options include pan-roasted turkey with an apple Riesling sauté, roast beef with bordelaise sauce and a vegetarian option of penne pasta primavera.

The night will have varied entertainment. “The Rockin’ Hollywoods will be performing from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. and The Quintessence will perform during the social hour between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. Swing Club members will also being giving a performance,” said Rasmussen.

The two dances performed by members of the Swing Club were choreographed by Junior French Major Rea Kadera and Junior Dance and Psychology Major Jill VanOsdol. “The dance I choreographed includes Lindy Hop and Blues and has three couples. Jill’s dance incorporates Lindy Hop and Charleston and has four couples,” said Kadera. The choreographers worked on creating their dances from December to February, auditions were held in December and practices started during January. The groups usually perform during the band’s breaks, so watch for them to see some great dancing and aerials.

Students can attend President’s Ball with a date or with a group of friends. It is a fun way to dress up, be social and partake in a Gustavus tradition.