Gustie tennis upsets Chicago

Nyden “Best of Luck” Hill – Staff Writer This past weekend, on Sunday, May 7, the Gustavus men’s tennis team hosted the NCAA regional third round of the NCAA outdoor championships. This third round match was critical for the Gusties to keep the momentum of their national championship dreams alive, as a win would send them onto the NCAA quarterfinals in Orlando.  However, the Gusties … Continue reading Gustie tennis upsets Chicago

Splashing outside of the pool

Kieran Ripkan – Staff Writer The Gustavus Men’s Swim & Dive team is nearly three months removed from winning their fourth straight MIAC Swimming & Diving Championship and some of the team’s athletes have already started training for next season. However, with a demanding schedule spanning from the end of September through February, burnout from swimming out of season can be common. To effectively train … Continue reading Splashing outside of the pool

Writers on strike!

David Eide – Opinion Columnist If you like to follow Film and Television news as I sometimes do, you’ve probably heard about the writer’s strike that is still ongoing as of the writing of this column. This strike is incredibly important, and it has affected the productions of some of the most popular TV shows currently airing such as the fifth and final season of … Continue reading Writers on strike!

Studying abroad with Mel Pardock

Mel Pardock – Staff Writer Hey there Gusties! I’m sure our dedicated readers have been saddened by my incredibly noticeable absence here at the Weekly, but despair no more! I have returned. Well, not physically… but your favorite news-writer-turned-world-traveler is here to share some notes on my study away adventures! I am a double major here at Gustavus, belonging to both the Political Science and … Continue reading Studying abroad with Mel Pardock

Gustie of the Week: Jenna Wyum

Emma Kelsey – Staff Writer This week’s Gustie of the Week, Jenna Wyum is a Senior Public Accounting major with a Political Science minor. She is the Finance Director in the Student Senate, a member of the Chapel Choir, and holds several leadership positions in the Theta Xi Gamma sorority. She works as an accounting tutor for the E/M department and participates in other organizations … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jenna Wyum

Fewer Emergencies takes the stage

Katie Doolittle – Staff Writer The Gustavus Theatre department is presenting its Spring production of Fewer Emergencies written by Martin Crimp and directed by Henry MacCarthy. The show is open on Thursday, May 11 through Saturday, May 13 at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 14th at 2:00 p.m. in Anderson Theatre.  Fewer Emergencies is the title of one of the three short plays that will … Continue reading Fewer Emergencies takes the stage