Men’s tennis shines in California sun

Teddy Kaste- Gustavus Men’s Tennis escaped the frigid late March temperatures in Minnesota in favor of sunny California, where they soaked up the sun while competing in 7 tennis matches (including scrimmages). At the end of the week, the Gusties flew home with 4 wins and 3 losses on the trip. Gustavus’ Men’s Tennis team is currently ranked #13 in the nation, so they flew … Continue reading Men’s tennis shines in California sun

Women’s tennis travels to Virginia

Parker Burman- Over Spring Break, the Gustavus Women’s Tennis team traveled to Fredericksburg, Virginia for several showdowns against nationally ranked opponents. Unfortunately, the trip did not produce the fruits of success that the Gusties had hoped for as they came home from their trip winless in their four matches. The Gusties started their week in Virginia against #29 Southwestern University. Gustavus managed their only wins … Continue reading Women’s tennis travels to Virginia

Gustie of the Week: Jack Raway

Taylor Storlien- Gustie of the Week, Jack Raway, finds himself all over campus. He is a Senior geography major, an employee at The Writing Center, a member of both the Chapel Choir and LeGACy A Cappella, and a member of the Dead Poets Society’s executive board. But of course, as a geography major, Raway is often in the GIS and Geography lounges in Nobel. Within … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jack Raway

Gustavus spring choir concert

Colleen Coleman- On Sunday, April 7th at 1:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel, the Lucia Singers and Choir of Christ Chapel will perform their Spring Concert, directed by Dr. Andrew Kendall. The performance will include a variety of musical styles, including Baroque pieces, modern hymns, African-American spirituals, and more. This performance will also feature many instrumentalists joining the group, with Senior Sophie Norman as the collaborative … Continue reading Gustavus spring choir concert

Book Review: Dianetics: the New Science of Mental Health

Will Sorg- In the opening chapter of the worst book I have ever read, Scientologist founder and human airbag L. Ron Hubbard describes his pseudo-scientific text as an adventure that will change the reader. This is true. I was changed by this book. However, this adventure and subsequent change was not like Around The World in 80 Days or 10,000 Leagues Under The Sea. It … Continue reading Book Review: Dianetics: the New Science of Mental Health

“Everybody Inherits the Hood” talk to be given by Dr. Langston Collin Wilkens

Katie Samek- The Department of African/African Diaspora Studies would like to formally invite the student body to attend “Everybody Inherits the Hood”, a talk by guest lecturer Dr. Langston Collin Wilkins. This talk will take place on Thursday, April 11th at 7:00 p.m. in Beck Hall, room 101. After the lecture, there will be a Q&A session for students to ask questions about the talk, … Continue reading “Everybody Inherits the Hood” talk to be given by Dr. Langston Collin Wilkens

Professor John Cha and faculty Julie Gilbert to host interfaith discussion

Elliot Steeves- The Office of the Gustavus Chaplain will be hosting a series of interfaith talks in Christ Chapel at 10:00 a.m. on April 4th, 11th, and 23rd. The speakers at each event correspond to a different faith. Dr Samuel Kessler will speak about Judaism on April 4th. Professor John Cha and Reference Librarian Julie Gilbert will speak about Buddhism on April 11th. Finally, Dr … Continue reading Professor John Cha and faculty Julie Gilbert to host interfaith discussion

Alpha Sigma Tau sorority informs campus with NARCAN training

Grace LaTourelle- The Sorority Alpha Sigma Tau is hosting a NARCAN training on Monday, April 8th, 2024, in the Heritage Room in the Jackson Campus Center. It will take place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. NARCAN, also called Naloxone, is a medicine that will rapidly reverse opioid overdose. AST requests that the Google Form be completed to track attendees, however, registration for the event … Continue reading Alpha Sigma Tau sorority informs campus with NARCAN training

Women’s Tennis wins two matches

Kieran Ripken- The Gustavus Women’s Tennis team hosted Grinnell and Luther at the Swanson Tennis Center this past Saturday, winning both matches 6-3. With a pair of wins on the day, the Gusties improved their record to 4-2 on the season. Gustavus began the day with a strong opponent in Grinnell, who came into the competition with an undefeated record of 10-0. “The team was … Continue reading Women’s Tennis wins two matches