Gustie of the Week: Brian Mayén Perez

Brian Mayén Perez is a Senior Political Science, Spanish, and Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies (LALACS) major at Gustavus. Originally coming to Gustavus to study physics, he soon changed his major to better fit his interests and passions. Aside from being a Student Leader in the cafeteria, Brian  spends much of his time working with the organization Language Buddies, which he’s been a part … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Brian Mayén Perez

Gustie of the Week: Jamie Jennissen

Senior Jamie Jennissen has made quite an impact on the Gustavus campus, whether it be her dedication to the Gustavus and Social Justice Chamber choirs, organizing as a Study Buddies coordinator or excelling in her academics as part of both the Education and English Honors Societies (Kappa Delta Pi and Sigma Tau Delta). With all of these extracurriculars and more, Jamie makes a perfect Gustie … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jamie Jennissen

Oh, the places you’ll go: J-Term 2019

Besides regular semesters, all students at Gustavus are required to pass two of the January Interim Experiences, usually referred to as the J-Terms. Lasting approximately four weeks, each J-Term provides professors and students an opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique, innovative, and expansive topic. As J-Terms are developed with interdisciplinary and international emphases, study-abroad J-Terms have been growing in number and participation. Hundreds of … Continue reading Oh, the places you’ll go: J-Term 2019

Gustie of the Week: Grace Tibben-Lembke

Grace Tibben-Lembke is a junior Environmental Studies major, who is also one of the Co-Chairs of this engaging student organization. She admires how Building Bridges fosters a community invested in advocacy with the motivation to work towards educating the public about meaningful issues. Ever since her first year, she felt intellectually stimulated by educationals the previous leaders organized, having the opportunity to learn and also … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Grace Tibben-Lembke

Gustie of the Week: Daniella Habib

Daniella Habib is a senior Political Science major, with GWS and Peace Studies minors who is one of the Co-Captains of the 24th annual Building Bridges Conference. Because she was politically active in high school, it made sense she leaned toward this field of study. She first heard about Building Bridges during the Involvement Fair where she engaged in conversation with the Co-Chairs about the … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Daniella Habib

Spotlight on: Art Minor Exhibit

From Nov. 15 to Dec. 10 2018, the Art Department presents the Art Minor Spotlight Exhibition in the Schaefer Gallery. This exhibition features artworks crafted in and out of the classroom by Art Minors: Senior Biochem and Molecular Biology and Chemistry Double Major Ashley Studsdahl, Senior English Major Brenna Tuttrup, Junior Nursing Major Caden Killion, Senior Biology Major Cassaundra “Cassie” Juberien, Senior Art History Major … Continue reading Spotlight on: Art Minor Exhibit

Gustie of the Week: Alex Theship-Rosales

Alex Theship-Rosales is a Senior Environmental Studies minor and Religious Studies minor. Theship-Rosales is described as “epitomizing the Gustavus core values we all strive to live out each day in every setting he’s involved with here on campus” by coworker Jeannie Peterson. Throughout his college career, Theship-Rosales has strived to take every opportunity that he can to better himself. One of the opportunities that he’s … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Alex Theship-Rosales

Gustie of the Week: Amanda Hoffman

By 6:30 a.m. on a typical weekday, driven and vivacious Junior Amanda Hoffman’s day is already in full swing. While most college students would appreciate the extra shut-eye, Hoffman sees her unusual morning routine as an opportunity to set herself up for success bypreparing her meals, organizing her schedule, and getting ready for class. Especially as a busy communication studies major, Hoffman’s love for the … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Amanda Hoffman

Spotlight on: Music in the Courtyard

The Courtyard Café has been popular among Gusties not only as a place to grab coffee, to have little chat with friends, or to do homework, but also as a regular venue for musical performances. The Gustavus Music Collective and the Gustavus Jazz Combos hold their concerts in the Courtyard Café on Tuesday and Friday nights, respectively. Unlike larger conducted ensembles, both of these musical … Continue reading Spotlight on: Music in the Courtyard

Tales from Nepal: Emily Carlson

Emily Carlson is a Junior Environmental Studies and Geology major who is currently studying abroad in Nepal for the fall semester. Emily said that she chose the location before she even knew what the program was. “I just knew I wanted to be somewhere in Asia, and the opportunity to live in the Himalayas for a few months was incredibly enticing.” Emily was encouraged to … Continue reading Tales from Nepal: Emily Carlson