Local Minnesotan Freya Manfred gives poetry reading

Poet Freya Manfred will be reading from her newest book of poetry, Swimming With A Hundred Year Old Snapping Turtle, on Thursday, March 4, 2010 in the Lind Interpretive Center. The poetry reading is open to the public and will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Manfred has received several awards for her poetry including the Minnesota Poetry Award. She also has five … Continue reading Local Minnesotan Freya Manfred gives poetry reading

Senior Sam Paulson: Big man on campus

Senior Management Major Sam Paulson is a friendly, outgoing Gustie Greeter, a member of the SAE Fraternity and a varsity basketball player. If this doesn’t make him stand out from a crowd, one other thing will for sure: Sam’s height. “My height is my most defining characteristic; I am the tallest person on campus, six feet and nine inches. It has it pros and cons, … Continue reading Senior Sam Paulson: Big man on campus

Senior art studio majors host mid-year exhibition

This past Thursday, Gustavus’ 18 senior studio art majors hosted an exhibition of their works, titled “Advance Screening: Mid-Year Senior Art Show,” in the Schaefer Art Gallery located in the Fine Arts building. This show preceded their final show, which is set to take place in early May 2010. The show consisted of works from all of this year’s senior studio art majors. Each student … Continue reading Senior art studio majors host mid-year exhibition

Avatar: You won’t believe your eyes

In case anyone has not heard, there is this movie out called Avatar. One of the most expensive movies ever made, it is directed by James Cameron, the man behind such blockbusters as The Terminator, Alien and Titanic (the top grossing movie of all time). Oh, and one other thing, it is one of the most visually stunning movies ever made. The basic plot of … Continue reading Avatar: You won’t believe your eyes

Brita Gilyard: Pursuing a passion for helping others

When she was younger, Brita’s favorite activity was chasing the ice cream man. She now brings that same vivacious attitude to her campus endeavors. Her love of singing led her to become a member of the Gustavus Choir, and she also serves as a chapel apprentice. As a little girl,  Junior Nursing Major Brita Gilyard always knew she would one day become a Gustie. Her … Continue reading Brita Gilyard: Pursuing a passion for helping others

A director’s insight: The Lovely Bones

Hollywood director Peter Jackson has a lot of big-name films under his belt. His latest film is no exception. An adaption of Alice Sebold’s best selling novel,The Lovely Bones recently made it to the silver screen. It opened this January and has since been nominated for an Oscar. The story centers around the murder and disappearance of a young girl who watches over her family … Continue reading A director’s insight: The Lovely Bones

Valentine’s Day sponsored by Friends of the Arboretum

Valentine’s Day will be here in two short days, and surely love is in the air. What better way to celebrate a whole day devoted to love than to attend the Valentine’s Day concert, dinner and dance? This event takes place from 6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 14 in Alumni Hall. The dress for the event is business casual, and although tickets … Continue reading Valentine’s Day sponsored by Friends of the Arboretum

Kim Braun: Working for change

Junior Theatre and Political Science Major Kim Braun has always been interested in how she can change the world. Kim’s recent trip with Gustavus’ Social Justice, Peace and Development in India underlined how much change is needed, both in America and around the world. One of the things that impacted Kim the most was working with the local people, and people of the varying castes … Continue reading Kim Braun: Working for change