Highly caffeinated comedy

Triple Espresso is a comedy show about three men’s search for fame, which ends in disaster on national television. Butternut, a musician, Maxwell, a magician, and Bean, an entertainer, allow the audience to relive their backwards climb down the ladder of success. The campus Activities Board (CAB)will bring students to Triple Espresso, a comedy show in Minneapolis on Dec. 10 at 8:00 p.m. CAB will … Continue reading Highly caffeinated comedy

Gustavus theatre is getting even stronger

The Department of Theater and Dance is pleased to present the first installment of its Theatre Gallery project. It includes two productions put on entirely by students, a one-act play entitled The Stronger (Den Strakare in Swedish). The Stronger was written by Swedish playwright August Strindberg in 1890 and is now directed and translated by Junior Theatre and Scandinavian Studies Major Ethan Bjelland. The play … Continue reading Gustavus theatre is getting even stronger

Shakespeare’s greatest hits

The 14 students in Professor Amy Seham’s Shakespeare Performance class will be performing a showcase, a compilation of numerous Shakespeare works, for the Gustavus community in December. “Shakespeare’s Greatest Hits,” is what Seham is calling the upcoming Showcase. Each year, Seham teaches a theatre performance class centered on a specific topic. Last year’s topic was the “physical theatre project.” The purpose of the course is … Continue reading Shakespeare’s greatest hits

Sean Cobb – Being a great professor: No sweat

Sean Cobb may be one of the newer professors at Gustavus, but his presence on campus has definitely been noticed. If you are looking for him outside of his office hours, good luck because Cobb could be in the classroom, tutoring in the Diversity Center, judging the Drag Show, in Faculty Senate, organizing Faculty Shop Talk, advising the English Honor Society, coaching soccer or whatever … Continue reading Sean Cobb – Being a great professor: No sweat

Christmas in Christ Chapel performance fast approaching

In the beginning of December, the Gustavus community will host its annual Christmas worship program, Christmas in Christ Chapel. This year’s Renaissance-themed event will showcase the talents of the music department, theater and dance department and the chaplain’s office, among others. Students and employees are allowed one complimentary ticket that can be purchased online, while general admission is $17.50. The program will begin on Friday, … Continue reading Christmas in Christ Chapel performance fast approaching

Nicole Meyer – A pillar of the community

She hails from Sparta, Wisc., a place near and dear to her heart. But she goes to Gustavus, and it, too, has found its own place in her heart. Senior Communications Studies Major Nicole Meyer, aka “Sparta”, is a Gustie through and through. “I’m not sure what it was about this place, but I just got a really good vibe when I was here, something … Continue reading Nicole Meyer – A pillar of the community

Despicable Me: Something involving minions

I am not ashamed to say that I saw Despicable Me, the first showing on the day it came out. I was probably the oldest person in the theater without a chaperone, but I probably laughed more than any of those children. Despicable Me serves up laughs for children and the child at heart alike. Everyone knows the hilarious quotes from the advertisements for the … Continue reading Despicable Me: Something involving minions