Freshmen orientation video

As a relatively recent Gustavus graduate, I am not unaware of the sexually permissive, left-leaning, increasingly secularized campus culture that students encounter despite the college’s purported mission to be a “…community where a mature understanding of the Christian faith and lives of service are nurtured…” While at Gustavus I learned of professors who undermined or even disparaged orthodox Christian beliefs, and I attended chapel services … Continue reading Freshmen orientation video

Terry Morrow

Election season is here—and so are negative political attacks.  A recent letter writer launched an inaccurate attack against Terry Morrow, our state representative. He didn’t tell you that Terry voted against the download tax when it first came up. The amendment passed despite Terry’s  opposition and became part of a 236-page tax bill. Another inaccuracy: Terry voted for the tuition tax deduction. Why did the … Continue reading Terry Morrow

Terry Morrow

In place of taking cues from party labels, Terry Morrow’s Star Tribune column (“No Parties, Just Ideas,” November 15, 2009) asked citizens of our state to approach the 2010 election “based on the issues.” Doing so, he says, could allow us to focus upon the issues we face with a serious, sustained public discussion regarding the current mid-term election. This invitation to shift our attention … Continue reading Terry Morrow