Weekend offers array of theatrical performances

Here at Gustavus, fall semester is drawing to a close. Tensions are running high, just as morale threatens to dip low as final projects and exams loom on the approaching horizon. This makes it the perfect time of year to take a break from classwork and experience one of the many performances put on by the Theatre and Dance departments. Shared Space, the dance production, … Continue reading Weekend offers array of theatrical performances

Gustavus Musicians end 2016 on a high note

The past month has been extremely busy for the hundreds of Gustavus musicians preparing for Christmas in Christ Chapel. For all of the music lovers out there, don’t worry, there’s good news. Even though CinCC has come to a close, there are still other great concerts coming up this weekend. On Dec. 10, the music department will be hosting Brassworks! and a Woodwind Chamber Ensembles … Continue reading Gustavus Musicians end 2016 on a high note

The Not-So Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven, directed by Antoine Fuqua, is a retelling of the American classic of the same title and it’s Japanese original, Seven Samurai. The plot follows Denzel Washington’s character, Chisolm, as he defends a small village from invaders. It’s up to Chisolm and an assembled gang of misfits to save the village; the seven of them against an army of thieves. It’s telling that … Continue reading The Not-So Magnificent Seven

Gustie of the Week – Spencer Kight

As the fall semester comes to an end, the stress of finals weighs on almost every Gustie. Spencer Kight, a junior mathematics and statistics double major from Sartell, Minnesota prefers to stay chill with either his guitar or upright bass in hand. Spencer is a part of Jazz band, a Colligate Fellow, Omega Kappa (ΩK) fraternity, Vice President of Math and Computer Science Club, as … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Spencer Kight

Your computer isn’t as good as you think

Here’s the deal: businesses have stopped caring about customers when it comes to selling their products. That sounds pessimistic and counter-intuitive, right? However, it doesn’t really matter in this day and age. Most people are so viciously loyal to their brands, they’ll buy the newest product even if it is objectively terrible, or simply no better than the previous iteration. I’m going to bash indiscriminately, … Continue reading Your computer isn’t as good as you think

Feeding the troll will only make it stronger

Just this week, President-elect Donald J. Trump tweeted that millions voted illegally, contradicting his past statements—by that I mean tweets—declaring the election was valid while also railing against the Green Party’s recount efforts. After all the garbage the Donald has spewed on the Internet, I have come to one conclusion: Our future president is an internet troll. Now, if any of you knew me when … Continue reading Feeding the troll will only make it stronger

Comic success on the big screen doesn’t surprise s

Cinema, the great silver screen, the hollywood lights: movies have always had their titles, and just as they have always had titles, so, too, have they always followed certain themes. As time progresses, those themes change. The world saw the rise of film noir: dark and gritty detective stories, with “shocking” twists at the end. After that there were westerns and other gunslingers, the hay … Continue reading Comic success on the big screen doesn’t surprise s