Chapel to host Friday Music Showcases

It is a Friday morning on the Gustavus campus. The chapel bells begin to chime out at 9:50 as they do every morning, but on Fridays things are different‒starting this year, chapel services at the end of the week focus around music rather than the typical worship service. In recent weeks, students filled the plaza during chapel to listen to the Floodplain Four. The group … Continue reading Chapel to host Friday Music Showcases

Gustie of the Week – Liz Toeben

One look at Senior Liz Toeben’s busy schedule may scare off the faint of heart, but for Toeben it is nothing short of normal; Liz thrives in her involvement with campus clubs and organizations. Toeben went to school in both Milaca and Sartell, MN, but graduated from Sartell High School. She took a chance at Gustavus and accepted admission without even touring the campus. “It … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Liz Toeben

In the face of the storm

In the dead center of Hurricane Season, my mom and I made the astute decision to go on a road trip to the coast of Texas. Five days into our sightseeing, beach-walking, pina-colada-drinking vacation, we woke up to steely skies and urgent text messages from family and friends. We turned on the Weather Channel to see that what had been the relatively harmless tropical storm … Continue reading In the face of the storm


The first week back on campus is a whirlwind; moving in, new classes, and wondering how in the world to manage the coming semester’s homework load. The second week on campus is certainly a high point for many, because it is all about social life. College graduates and current students alike will agree on the importance of joining student organizations to meet people and make … Continue reading Breathe!

To be an American

What does it mean to be an American? Some people might cite religion—we’re a “Christian nation.” Others might mention the adoption of an “American lifestyle.” The idea that we’re all supposed to assimilate and be basically the same—speak English, eat hamburgers, have a big star-spangled banner in our front yards, sit in pews every Sunday, and maybe have a nice house in the suburbs. Let … Continue reading To be an American

#Hashtags and Passive Activism

When encountering catastrophe, the human race has the habit of resorting to passivity. For example, remember when Paris was bombed by ISIS? #PrayforParis. How about when the night club in Orlando was attacked by a shooter? #PrayforOrlando. How about right now during hurricane Harvey? #SOSHouston. Hurricane Irma? #PrayforFlorida. In these cases, hashtags tend to trend more quickly than actual details related to each incident. In … Continue reading #Hashtags and Passive Activism

Students explore clubs at Involvement Fair: Several student organizations were present at this year’s fair sharing their goals for the wider Gustavus community

One of the ways in which Gustavus tries to get students to become involved around campus is through the Involvement Fair,  a campus wide event where all campus and student organizations are given a chance to table, or advocate for their group.  One of the ways in which Gustavus tries to get students to become involved around campus is through the Involvement Fair,  a campus wide … Continue reading Students explore clubs at Involvement Fair: Several student organizations were present at this year’s fair sharing their goals for the wider Gustavus community

Half the Animal lights up the night

As the first week of classes came to a close, Gustavus students awaited the first outdoor concert of the year: Half the Animal. The band’s first and only EP, ‘SHAPES’, introduced them to the campus as an alternative pop rock genre with songs “Babylon” and “Saturday Night.” The quartet also introduced new music, including the song “Bad Love” and did covers of other popular songs. … Continue reading Half the Animal lights up the night

Digital humanities lab added to Confer Hall

Gustavus is home to many state-of-the-art facilities. New buildings seem to pop up every year—each newer and full of more gadgets. Gustavus is home to many state-of-the-art facilities. New buildings seem to pop up every year—each newer and full of more gadgets. Anderson Hall reopened in January 2017, and the new baseball field just began use for the fall semester this month. One of the … Continue reading Digital humanities lab added to Confer Hall

Campus Safety Report (9/15/17)

Monday, September 04 Responded to a person of concern in the Jackson Campus Center. Tuesday, September 05 Campus Safety responded to a medical assist in Nobel Hall. A student had fallen down some steps and was transported to the River’s Edge Hospital. Campus Safety documented a report from GTS of a student’s personal computer being hacked. Wednesday, September 06 Campus Safety responded to a medical … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (9/15/17)