Gustie of the Week: Charlie Stokes

Everyone knows the Gustie Greeters as being outgoing, caring, and maybe just a little bit crazy. Third-year Greeter and Senior Physics major Charlie Stokes is no exception. In addition to being the Greeter Coordinator this year Stokes is a member of the Omega Kappa fraternity, Smash Club, Parkour Club, and the Society of Physics Students. Despite having a heavy course load Charlie always makes time … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Charlie Stokes

Controversial wolf hunting season opens

In January of 2012, Minnesota’s wolf population was removed from federal protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and put under the control of Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resources. Despite the success of repopulating wolves after a long and threatened history in Minnesota, emotions were mixed as Minnesotans learned of the DNR’s plan for a hunting and trapping season to regulate the number of wolves … Continue reading Controversial wolf hunting season opens