Soccer sweeps home matches

The Gustavus Men’s and Women’s soccer teams were both in action this past weekend as they both had the opportunity to open their seasons at home. The men opened up their season against Knox College where they secured a 1-0 victory while the women defeated UW-Superior 2-1 to also start their season off undefeated. The Gustavus Men’s team, after one of their most successful seasons … Continue reading Soccer sweeps home matches

Immortality: transcendent video games and the nature of art

To write about Immortality in a way that would do it justice, I would need to likely fill every page of this newspaper and then some. Immortality –a Half Mermaid Productions’ video game from 2022– is unlike any video game I have ever played. However, it is not the first of its kind. The lead developer, Sam Barlow, has been making live action, interactable mystery … Continue reading Immortality: transcendent video games and the nature of art

Gusties will game!

Gustavus Esports began in the Fall of 2021 as a student organization now known as It was started by then-Campus Activities Advisor Garrett Meier, Competitive Co-President and now-Alumni Nick Hagen, Casual Co-President and now-Junior Jay Erickson, with help from other passionate Gustie gamers. When first getting its footing, the organization hosted an event, called “Jackbox Jumpscares”, for Halloween. Gusties gathered to casually play Jackbox … Continue reading Gusties will game!

Gustavus welcomes new faculty

Gustavus Adolphus is welcoming five new professors this fall, each of whom bring new perspectives and skills into the Gustavus community. Guarionex Salivia and Dongji Feng will join the Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics departments. Also joining the Golden Gusties are Lindsay Webster and Matthew Trucano into the Theatre and Dance department, and Samuel Piccolo as an addition to the Political Science Department.  Salivia will … Continue reading Gustavus welcomes new faculty

A night at the cabin: Friday Night Frights

Tonight (Friday, Sept. 8th), the Campus Activities Board will be hosting a screening of Drew Goddard’s 2011 horror film: Cabin In The Woods. This “Friday Night Frights” event will be happening at 8:00 p.m. outside of the Borgeson Cabin in the Arb. In Saint Peter, it is often hard for horror movie fans to find screenings of horror movies. With “Friday Night Frights,” that’s changing. … Continue reading A night at the cabin: Friday Night Frights

Fall Involvement Fair returns

As the first week of classes at Gustavus Adolphus College are underway, extracurricular activities, clubs, and Greek Life once again have come into the spotlight. For new and returning students alike, the Fall 2023 Involvement Fair is always one of the best ways to help occupy a student’s time while on campus. The Involvement Fair, which is to be held on Tuesday, Sept. 12th from … Continue reading Fall Involvement Fair returns