College students deserve a Spring Break

Emily Seppelt – Opinion Columnist As we are in the midst of our third COVID semester, the mid-semester onslaught has arrived right along with the rainy spring weather. Many of us may be having flashbacks to last March when we were all sent home and “enjoyed” a two-week spring break. Last March, spring break was extended for many reasons, including giving time to professors to move … Continue reading College students deserve a Spring Break

Require traveling abroad for Liberal Arts

Lexi Louis – Opinion Columnist Traveling should be a requirement for a liberal arts education. Experiencing different customs, learning to be open minded and seeing other places in the world is beneficial for becoming more knowledgeable about effective communication. It makes traveling easier and lessens culture shock and cultural barriers. Cultural shock is the experience someone has when moving somewhere else and cultural barriers are challenged … Continue reading Require traveling abroad for Liberal Arts

Best spots to go touch some grass when overwhelmed

Maia Honl – Opinion Columnist Mother nature has been a real tease recently, hasn’t she? The month of March has changed seasons more times than I’ve changed my mind about my major. There was that pyrite spring, but in true Minnesotan fashion, a blizzard came and covered everything in snow. Again. We’ve all been daydreaming about the warmth of spring, but there’s still the question of … Continue reading Best spots to go touch some grass when overwhelmed

Sliding into Spring – Softball Continues to Build off Dominant Week

Eamonn McCullough – Staff Writer The Gustavus softball team, finally in the throes of a short and exciting spring season, is starting to get accustomed to the feeling of victory after a week of domination on the pitch. On Wednesday, March 17, the Gusties started off their winning week with a pair of non-conference victories in Mankato. The day started early, with a 7 a.m. first … Continue reading Sliding into Spring – Softball Continues to Build off Dominant Week

Women’s Tennis Starts Season

Jack Wiessenberger – Staff Writer The Gustavus Women’s Tennis team has started off their season on a hot streak, as is typical for the program. At about a third of the way through their season, the team is holding onto a perfect record with six dominant wins and zero losses. Leadership from upperclassmen as well as the team’s coaching staff has contributed greatly to the recent … Continue reading Women’s Tennis Starts Season

Swinging in a New Stand – Plus, limited spectators bring a sense of normalcy

Autumn Zierman – Staff Writer With spring semester in full swing and the weather thawing out, outdoors sports have entered a soft-open stage of allowing spectators back into the stands. Under the new guidelines set forth by the Gustavus Athletic Department attendees will be able to, in limited capacity, fill the stands to cheer Gusties on from the sidelines. Gustavus will insist that visitors to the … Continue reading Swinging in a New Stand – Plus, limited spectators bring a sense of normalcy

Gusties get involved in call for Line 3 divestment

Emma VanGorder – Staff Writer The Line 3 Pipeline is one of the largest oil pipelines in North America, capable of transporting hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude oil per day. The pipeline runs from Alberta, Canada, through North Dakota, Minnesota, and into Wisconsin, and is owned and operated by Enbridge, a Canadian energy company. The pipeline is extremely controversial, and has received criticism from … Continue reading Gusties get involved in call for Line 3 divestment

Campus Safety Report (3/19/2021)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021 Campus Safety responded to a fire alarm in Southwest Hall. The cause of the alarm was from students cooking. Thursday, March 4, 2021 A Gustavus employee reported that someone had chalked the Linnaeus bust statue. Saturday, March 6, 2021 Campus Safety met an off-duty CF carrying Residential Life signs that had been vandalized. Sunday, March 7, 2021 Campus Safety discovered a … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (3/19/2021)

COVID-19 Report (3/19/2021)

Gustavus On-Campus Update As of March 15, 2021: Total Positive Cases (since August 15, 2020): 264 Current Positive Student Cases: 0 Current Positive Employee Cases: 2 Total Students in Isolation/Quarantine: 7 Students in Isolation/Quarantine On Campus: 4 Employees in Isolation/Quarantine: 3 This data set is meant to encompass the on-campus impact of COVID-19 by counting cases where a person may have been on campus while … Continue reading COVID-19 Report (3/19/2021)