Women’s hockey sweeps Lake Forest

Autumn Zierman – Staff Writer Gustavus Women’s Hockey opened its season this past weekend in a series win at Lake Forest. Friday kicked off the non-conference series win with a 4-1 victory, erasing a 1-0 deficit from the first period with two goals in both the second and third frames. “Winning our first two games of the season was really huge for us. It has been … Continue reading Women’s hockey sweeps Lake Forest

Football ends home season with a win

Alli Joerger – Staff Writer Reaching the end of the 2021 season, the Gustavus football team hosted its final home game against the St. Olaf Oles on Nov. 6. After an excellent demonstration of perseverance and fan support, the Gusties prevailed over the Oles with a final score of 29-14. With this win, the Gusties conclude the regular season with an overall record of 7-2, a … Continue reading Football ends home season with a win

Mission Unblockable: Volleyball wins MIAC

Brady Boie – Staff Writer To put it lightly, the Gustavus women’s volleyball team had a rollercoaster of a playoff weekend while vying for the MIAC championship. Their weekend began with a semifinal match against the St. Olaf Oles. Although the Gusties had a significantly better regular season record than the Oles, the Gustie women knew that it would be a challenge. “We went in knowing … Continue reading Mission Unblockable: Volleyball wins MIAC

Campus Safety Report (11/5/2021)

November 1, 2021 Campus Safety responded to a missing bicycle at North Hall. Sunday, Tip of the Week: Run, Hide, Fight…Do you know what it means? Run, Hide, Fight, is a national campaign that Gustavus uses in providing notification during an active threat situation on campus. Basically the run part is that your first option is to get away, get as far away from the … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (11/5/2021)

Transition to MyGustavus causes confusion

Lauren Ruth – Staff Writer While many of us are familiar with MyGustavus through financial aid and work study, new features have been added that change the way we will interact with it in the future. Gustavus Technology Services, or GTS, has been working hard to make a simpler, cleaner system for class registration. There are many reasons for this change. First, the company that owns … Continue reading Transition to MyGustavus causes confusion

Student Senate runs midterm elections

Carter Brown – Staff Writer On Thursday, Nov. 4, the Gustavus Student Senate has just finished their elections for new hall representatives for Arbor View, Sohre Hall, Gibbs Hall, North Hall, and Sorenson hall, Norelius, Prairie View and Chapel View. These hall representatives will become new senators in the Student Senate and represent the interests and concerns of those living in those halls. With this, a recurring … Continue reading Student Senate runs midterm elections

A new kind of masks

Korrie Wojack – Staff Writer The Masquerade Ball was held in Alumni Hall last Friday, October 29. A masquerade ball is a “night time event where people get fancy, disguise themselves and have an opportunity to dance and socialize with others” according to the Campus Activities Board email inviting students to attend. Although everyone in attendance wore decorative face coverings, when the clock struck 12 there … Continue reading A new kind of masks

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Emily Falk

Michaela Woodward – Staff Writer This Gustie of the Week knew she had found a home at Gustavus when she visited campus and experienced the academic opportunities during a class visit. Originally from Foley, Minnesota, Senior Emily Falk was familiar with Gustavus through an uncle and a teacher who are alumni. Once she visited campus for herself, she knew she had found the place she wanted … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Emily Falk

ValleySCARE: Halloween fun after “nightmare” pandemic

Kaitlin McCoskey – Staff Writer What do you get when you mix a haunted theme park, elaborate costumes, spooky attractions, roller coasters, and Gusties?.. A recipe for fun! For the first time since COVID-19 hit, Gustavus students had the opportunity to attend an off-campus CAB event on Saturday, October 30. “For the first time since COVID-19 hit, Gustavus students had the opportunity to attend an off-campus … Continue reading ValleySCARE: Halloween fun after “nightmare” pandemic

Through darkness, music prevails

Emma Esteb – Staff Writer The cold weather has set in and Christmas is soon to be fast approaching. Christmas in Christ Chapel (CinCC) is an annual concert and tradition that features the Gustavus Choir, Choir of Christ Chapel, Christ Chapel Ringers, Gustavus Symphony Orchestra, Lucia Singers, and dancers. Rehearsals for the event are underway and tickets are on sale as of Monday, Nov. 1. Christmas … Continue reading Through darkness, music prevails