On Hazing

If you’re a member of a student organization and tell anyone trying to join the organization they have to do anything, you run the risk of hazing them. At least this is what it seems like at a first glance of Gustavus Adolphus College’s hazing policy. Gustavus defines hazing as “any action taken or situation created, intentionally or unintentionally whether on or off campus premises, … Continue reading On Hazing

Tales from Abroad: Insights from India

Tales from Abroad is an ongoing section in which Gustavus students share the highlights of their study abroad experiences. My name is Jennessa Runia and I’m a Mormon. JK. My name is Jennessa Runia and I am a senior student at Gustavus Adolphus College. I am a Biology major and double minor in Peace Studies and Sociology/Anthropology. I am currently studying abroad in India on the … Continue reading Tales from Abroad: Insights from India

Gotham needs a hero, looks to Commissioner Gordon

This weekend will be an analysis of one of the new highly viewed shows on television, Gotham. This review will focus on the pilot episode, which can be one of the most important episodes in any TV series as the first impression is key in hooking an audience. This year marks the 75th anniversary of one of the most popular and well-received fictional characters of … Continue reading Gotham needs a hero, looks to Commissioner Gordon

Echoes of Spain—a cultural spectacular

Inspired by the Avant-garde revolution of Paris in the early 1900’s, where the glamour of the Spanish dance ignited, the Echoes of Spain coming to Gustavus is a culturally significant performance that Gustavus students should not miss. Taking place in Alumni Hall on Oct. 12 at 7:00 p.m. the Zorongo Flamenco Dance Theatre will perform selections from traditional flamenco repertoire. Flamenco, the folk art of … Continue reading Echoes of Spain—a cultural spectacular

Hillstrom Museum hosts national tour exhibit

The beauty of Chinese contemporary art has arrived at Gustavus. The Hillstrom Museum of Art is now home to the exhibit Pull Left-Not Always Right: Emerging Contemporary Artists in China until Nov. 9. The exhibit features 15 different artists from China and presents such works as “Skin Weave No. 4,” “There Are Stones Below,” “Automatic Arms,” and “Breath–A Group of Waste Bricks.” Funded largely by … Continue reading Hillstrom Museum hosts national tour exhibit

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Rebecca M. Bergman

The call came out of the blue last summer while Rebecca M. Bergman relaxed at her home in North Oaks, Minnesota. As she reached for the phone, she couldn’t have guessed that the voice on the other line would ask her to consider putting her name in the hat for President of Gustavus Adolphus College. After hanging up that night, Bergman, who had happily spent … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Rebecca M. Bergman

Campus Safety Report (10/9/2014)

Monday, September 22  – no incidents reported Tuesday, September 23 ●An employee reported the theft of College property from Nobel Hall. Wednesday, September 24 ●A Gustavus employee reported the loss of a campus key. ●Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at Beck Hall. ●A Collegiate Fellow responded to an alcohol violation in Norelius Hall involving one student. Thursday, September 25 – no incidents reported … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (10/9/2014)

Bergman Inaugurated as 17th President of Gustavus

While many have yet to realize the scale and importance of the inauguration of President Rebecca Bergman, students, staff, and other visitors will soon become aware of the historic event. A steering committee has worked to create a ceremony to officially recognize the addition of Bergman to our community, and in doing so they have created a celebration that spans several days. “To celebrate a … Continue reading Bergman Inaugurated as 17th President of Gustavus