Investment Club
Learn everything you need to know about investing
Meets Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 in Beck 201
Finance Club
Financial literacy
Apply to enter
Gustavian Figure Skating Club
For everyone from beginners to advanced skaters
Email for more information
Gustavus Yearbook
For the first time in three years
Email for more information
Non-Denominational Christion organization where everyone is welcome
Tuesday Worships
Bible camp on wheels
Spend time with youth and learn about God
Psych Social Justice League
Learn about current psychological studies on social justice topics
Now open to all Majors
Gustavus Club Tennis
Open to all levels
Practices in the tennis bubble Sundays at 9pm
German Club
New this year
Learn about German culture
Russian Club
Russian culture, events and films
Come visit during Russian Tea times
Community Center Buddies
Returning this year
Contact Amy Pehrson at for more information
Viking Society
Come learn about Scandinavian culture and eat food
Fika every Thursday at Swedish House (attached to IC) 8:30pm-10pm
Sauna Society
Hoping to return to the sauna soon
Contact Leif Hammarat for more information
KGSM Radio Club
Want to make your own podcast?
Studio in Beck
Queers and Allies
“Come as you are”
Here to bring people together
Anime Club
Watch anime in a chill environment with others
Wednesday and Saturdays
Includes trigger warning to create a safe environment for everyone
Delta Phi Omega
A supportive environment to hang out with others
Philanthropy for Breast Cancer Awareness

Page Turners
Focus on one book a semester
Meets once a week to hang out and talk about books
Newman Center
Catholic Organization
Bible study, daily rosary, and church services
Fourth Crown
Satirical newspaper
Looking for new writers
Epsilon Pi Alpha Fraternity
A brotherhood of gentleman
Philanthropy with MS Society of America
Building a community relationship with students and elders in the community
One on one connections with elders and students
Building Bridges
Knowledge is Power Dismantling Systematic Bias in Educational Institutions
March 5th
Caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ
Bible study every Thursday and missions during winter and summer breaks
Big Hill Farm
Micro-farm educating students on sustainable agriculture
Now taking internship applications for summer interns
Fly Fishing Club
An easy and inexpensive way to try fly fishing
Come try it out!
Sunday Worship Community
A welcoming place to worship God and eat snacks
Sundays at 6:30
Bible study-How to apply the bible to your life
Wednesdays in Beck 211 7:30-8:30
Equestrian Team
Hang out with people and pet horses
A competitive equestrian team
Pre-Health Club
A place for Pre-med and Pre-PA students to learn and network
Prepare for a future career in the healthcare field
Delight Ministries
All women’s bible study
Meets once a week to study a book of the bible
Ducks Unlimited
Apart of the national non-profit organization
Work to conserve wetlands

Gustavus Mentoring Program
A part of Career Development
Contact Andrew Coston at for more information
Jazz Club
For both musicians and people who enjoy listening to jazz
Listening parties, jam sessions and trips to watch jazz musicians live
LineUs Improv
A comedy improv group
Auditions March 15th
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Promotes positive masculinity
“We’re pretty cool I think”-Ace
Casino SNL March 5th-Come meet the guys
Game Club
Play board games and hang out
Tuesdays andSsaturdays 6:30-8:30pm in Campus Center conference room
Adorable social community
Works with The Robbie Page Memorial Fund and March of Dimes
Run Club
“We run for fun”
Participate in charity races for no charge to you
Theta Xi Gamma
Works with the Pinkie Swear Foundation
Rugby (Mens & Women’s)
Learn to play rugby. Men’s team restarting now,
Women’s team stayed active throughout COVID
The Radicals
Activist club with an artistic community
Painted pillars and made coloring sheets for Black History Month
Organization for Latinx American Students
Promotes Latinx countries and diversity. Meets Thursdays 7-8pm in Beck 117
Model U.N.
Roleplays as countries or characters to try and solve issues
Recently did the Chicago event
Pan-African Student Organization
Everyone is welcome to come to Africa Night on March 11th from 6-8:30pm in Alumni
Chess Club
We play chess
Mondays 6-7:30pm and Thursdays 7:30-9pm in the Courtyard
Gustavus Women in Leadership
Focused on career development. Connects students to alumni
New to campus last year
Respect, Indiginous, Societies, Everywhere
Korean Culture Club
A community exploring Korean culture, food and film
Movie nights with ramen and snacks

International Cultures Club
Working to plan the first international festival since COVID
Meeting on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in Anderson 214
Asian Student Union
A space for all students to learn about Asian cultures
Snacks and activities
Hmong American Cultural Outreach(HACO)
Learn about Hmong culture, language, and heritage
Reflections in the Water Gala March 12th 8-11pm. Free for all
Student Senate
Student government that helps pass bills to improve student life
Looking for new senators
Women’s leadership group
Working to support political activism and under-represented woman
Student Educators Association
Career development for future educators
Meets every other Tuesday in Anderson 214
Gustavus Cheer
Cheer for Gustavus football and basketball
All genders are welcome and no experience is required
A Moment of Magic
Cosplay and help cheer up medically vulnerable children
Email for more information
Adoptee Recognition Committee(ARC)
Bridging the gap between adoptees and non-adoptees
Working with the PA’s to host events during adoptee week
American Cancer Society
Part of the national organization
Relay for Life April 22nd 6pm-12am
Pre-PT/OT Club
Career development for future PT’s and OT’s
Contact Kendall Harvey for more information
Peer Assistance(PA’s)
Wellbeing programing and events
Contact for more information
Dungeons and Dragons Club
All are welcome from beginners to experts
Tabletop RPG
Woman in STEM
Enpowering Woman and Gender nonconforming people in STEM
Bi-Weekly meeting on Tuesdays starting March 8th 7:30-8:30 in Nobel 3300
Environmental Action Coalition
Works to support environmental sustainability on campus
Discuss national and international topics
CAB(Campus Activity Board)
Hosts events, giveaways, and speakers
Hydro Flask Plinko March 3rd 11:30am-1:30pm
Swing Dancing Club
Social dances
Mostly swing and partnered dances but not always
Whittling Club
Learn how to whittle
Fun, social, and creative activity

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