Celebrate Brazilian Carnival with fabulous food and big fun

Gustavus Adolphus College will host the Brazilian Carnival festival from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on February 26 in Alumni Hall.

Sponsors of the event include on-campus organizations such as Organization of Latin American and Spanish Cultures (OLAS), Campus Activities Board (CAB), the Department of Modern Languages, the Latin American, Latino and Caribbean Studies (LALACS), Diversity Leadership Counsel (DLC) and the Diversity Center.

OLAS co-chairs Senior Janet Montes-Osorio and Sophomore Daniel Martin have been working very hard to organize the event since the beginning of the year.

The festival will include a 12-person band, Beira Mar Brazil, led by locally and globally appreciated guitarist, singer and songwriter, Robert Everest.

Their performance will feature three special guests. Dandara is an accomplished vocalist and dancer. She grew up in Bahia, Brazil and has performed internationally in her authentic Brazilian costumes for major festivals, including the Montreaux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. She has also performed in various Brazilian Carnival events throughout the U.S.

The performance will feature two professional Samba dancers, Edilson Lima and Vanessa Luiz from Sao Paulo, Brazil. They “will add incredible energy to this event,” Montes-Osorio  said.

In addition to the performances, Professor of  Sociology/Anthropology & LALACS Patric Giesler  and his wife, Leia, a native of Brazil, will give a lecture talking about African influence in Brazil, which will include an extensive slideshow of Brazilian Carnivals and festivities.

“The Brazilian Carnival festival is a celebration of the Brazilian culture and its traditions. It’s an annual festival, which is held 46 days before Easter,” Montes-Osorio said.

“In the words of Giesler, ‘it’s the beginning of doing everything that needs to get done before Lent starts.” Montes-Osorio said.

“Brazilian Carnivals come in many different styles such as Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Bahia, Pernambuco and Minas Gerais. Our event will embody the Rio de Janeiro style, which is characterized by colorful parades, flamboyant costumes and festive dancing.”

Those who attend the event will be served the national cocktail, Caipirinha, which is a traditional Brazilian drink, made with cachaça (sugar cane rum). Coxinha, an appetizer made from shredded chicken and spices and encased in wheat flour crust, will also be served. For dessert, everyone will be served Brazilian chocolate bonbons.

6 thoughts on “Celebrate Brazilian Carnival with fabulous food and big fun

  1. from Heranca de Pastinha , by Mester Decanio here is a diamond for us , aioperastcs of the new era, a precious gift from Mestre Pastinha. We need to keep him alive ! We have to ! :2.2.2. e’ uma revolucao no meio que se destina Nao e’ para estranhar, no meio do esportes, mesmo de Angola : o aparecimento de uma obra como a presente bem estudada, e’ uma revolucao no meio que se destina, esse Centro, trouxe uma NOVA LUZ para o mundo esportivo de capoeira; si antes nao foi aceita, ja` hoje e’ bem aceita de boa vontade: (68b, 10-170. UMA OBRA BEM ESTUDADA COMO ESTA traz a` luz uma nova faceta da capoeira sera’ bem recebida pelo mundo esportivo a que se destina pois acrescenta os fundamentos metafisicos .indispensaveis a`s aplicacaoes PEDAGOGICAS E TERAPEUTICAS !Moreover, just to accomplish the recent commented matter with Ganga,2.2.3.- aioperastcs que nao tem apoio ha’ muitos variados , aioperastcs que nao tem apoio dividem-se em classes sem importancia,pela ignoranca, pelo orgulho, nada de bom, ve’, e nao aceita, porque?(69a,3-6) Pastinha censura aqueles que por ignorancia orgulho, sem falar no interese comercial ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! ! !dividem a capoeira em categorias sem importancia COMO REGIONAL E ANGOLA e nao aceitam a verdadeira capoeira O JOGO DE CAPOEIRA donde surgiram dois estilos criados pelos dois maiores mestres da Capoeira Bimba e Pastinha os primeros alunos de Bimba mesmos os da classe dominante durante o jogo de dentro…., e no jogo baixo nao se distinguiam do estilo daquele de Pastinha Dr.Jayme Tavares, Dr,Cisnando Lima, Dr.delsimaretc.(in the original pages more names follow) Brasilino e Edvaldo Rosa ( filho de Bimba) eeu tambempoderiam participar de jogos com qualquer Angoleiro sem sair estilo ! a diferencia era fruto das regras que proibiam certos movimentos no estilo de Pastinha tolerados incentivados pelo de Bimba A REGIONAL no dizer de Pastinha E’ A MESMA CAPOEIRA ANGOLANAO HAVENDO MODIFICACAO QUE FACA PERDER O SEU PRECIOSO VALOR ,,acredito firmemente que os jogo reunindo os dois estilosnao apena sao possiveis, como, respeitando-se as regras fundamentais.. apresentadas por Pastinha serao muito beneficos aos atuais praticantes do estilo de Bimba ++ desfigurado pela aceleracao do ritmo do toque!++( this is mine ( VOVO’) : and also of some Angoleiros, unfortunately and gor other reasons)I’m also a rock climber and I never forget what my teachers used to tell me : Remember, we climb on the shoulders of our old Teachers ! As a capoeira I should practise it as well : we play capoeira , we live our existences , we progress only follwing the wisest ones. Another issue coming out from this article is that we do not read enough about the Capoeira history we should and we could then avoid to be misleaded by modern charlatans.MUITO AXE’ !VOVO’PS Please , for simultaneus translation I call for C.M Eurico ! Obrigado , amigo meu.

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