Battle of the Sexes: Film Review

Katelyn Benschoter-

If you are anything like me, you probably have a never ending list of films you want to watch. But, with so many movies out there, how do you figure out what ones to watch? Well, sometimes you just stumble across one. And sometimes it turns out to be a great film. A happy accident, some may say. This happened to me recently when I found myself on an airplane. There are limited options of the provided free movies, and I decided upon the 2017 film Battle of the Sexes. It stars Emma Stone and Steve Carrel portraying tennis stars Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs, respectively. It is based on the true story of the fight against sexism in sports. It is a great watch and has unfortunately remained very relevant. 

The film follows Billie Jean King as she becomes the number one female tennis player. In her new level of fame, she discovers she is getting paid significantly less than the male players who aren’t even half as good as her. This leads her to start a movement and make a statement. She rallies with fellow female tennis players to create their own tournaments and a space to get paid what they deserve. This leads all of the “protesters” to be dropped by the tennis establishment. There was outrage amongst male viewers in this movie and a shared mindset that women had no place on the tennis court. This led male tennis star Bobby Riggs to challenge Billie Jean King to a match titled “The Battle of the Sexes,” with the intention behind it being to prove that a woman could never beat a man in tennis. The film tackles the deep history of sexism embedded in sports. And even though this true story was from the seventies, it is still very relevant to current society. Whether it is the media telling a woman she should retire because she is too old, or a women’s basketball team having significantly less funding, this film has stayed relevant and serves as an excellent reminder that issues are still prevalent.

My favorite aspect of the film was Emma Stone; she simply never misses. One of the most impressive aspects of Stone’s acting is her range and seeing her take on the role proves that. She was both humorous and hard, which humanized the woman behind a very famous story. It is easy to forget that, when events like this occur, behind the movement is just a woman. And that woman has just as many struggles as the next. Stone, being the seasoned actress she is, did a great job at portraying this. I also really found myself enjoying the shots of the actual tennis playing. In a film based around a sport, nailing the shots of said sport is crucial. Another excellent example of this would be from the 2025 film Challengers. Challengers used similar techniques of a shaky camera to demonstrate action as well as overhead shots. As a former tennis player, I found it enjoyable to get to see some of the points actually be played. Further, as the plot was proving that women can beat a man in tennis, it was smart to allow the audience to see that. All in all, the acting in this was great and took the story up to another level.

One aspect of the film that surprised me most was the storyline of King’s sexuality. When watching a sports comedy, that was not something I expected to play a part but it contributed quite a bit. As I mentioned prior, this film shed light on aspects of the Battle of the Sexes match that might not have been public knowledge. In the film, King has an affair while on the road in a tournament with her hairdresser-turned-personal assistant Marilyn Barnett. This played a role in every aspect of her character from the way she carried herself, having to lie, and even how she played in matches. Watching King struggle with this secret once again helped humanize the character and, consequently, the real person behind the story. It also serves as an excellent form of representation. We often see queer characters in the media who are loud and proud about their sexuality, but this is not an easy thing to do. Seeing such a powerful figure have this struggle is important to young athletes who may feel the same way.

All in all, great films are hiding all around us. You never know when you may stumble across a film that leaves you thinking for hours. I was lucky enough to stumble across Battle of the Sexes, and I would highly recommend it. If you enjoy sports, you should watch it. If you enjoy history, you should watch it. Especially if you are a woman, you should watch it. It checks all the boxes and is a solid watch that is digestible to any viewer. So, whether you find yourself in your dorm room or on a plane looking for a film, give it a go. 

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