The Perks of Plants

Olivia Telecky-

College students have a lot on their plates; from classes and work to student organizations, the thought of taking on added responsibilities can be daunting. However, studies have shown that having a potted friend can be beneficial for your health. With stress levels and sickness overtaking the collegiate community, plants can be a simple way to increase both your mental and physical health. In fact, many medical clinics in England have begun prescribing their patients with potted plants to help reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression.

Having a plant in your dorm can make the space feel more comfortable, plus caring for that plant can be quite soothing. One study from the Journal of Physiological Anthropology found that indoor gardening tasks lowered the stress response in participants. There is also evidence that simply being around plants helps reduce blood pressure and heart rate. Being in a space with plants can improve your mood as well. Another study, by PubMed Central, found that working in a space with real plants helped improve satisfaction with people’s work. Working in a space with natural elements helped buffer the effects of job stress and anxiety. Spending time around plants has been proven to increase self-esteem and life satisfaction by giving predictability when life is uncertain.

Plants can also improve your productivity. Multiple studies have proved that working in a space with plants helps both your creativity and can make you 12% more productive. They also help with attention spans: A small study from MDPI found that when students were working in a space with real plants, they were more attentive and better able to concentrate. Another study by the National Library of Medicine found that students who had plants in their living space had more academic achievement than those who did not.

Naturally, having a plant in your space has many health benefits. One research review by Chalmers University of Technology found that plants helped the recovery of patients in hospitals. Employees who had plants in their office space reportedly took fewer sick days. Plants act as a natural air filtration system and can help you avoid illness altogether. NASA researchers have found that plants naturally scrub our air of pollutants, which can run rampant in indoor spaces. They are especially helpful in the colder months when opening a window for fresh air might not be an option.

There are many reasons why someone might choose to own a plant, whether it be for the health benefits, increased productivity, or just for the aesthetic. There are many positives to caring for our own little piece of the environment. While gardening might not be everyone’s hobby of choice, it should be something that everyone tries, so get your pots and find a cute green companion to bring home.

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