Campus Crushes

Grace LaTourelle-

As fall creeps its chilled gray skies back into our lives, we have reached the point in the semester where life is no longer CAB events, matchas from the Courtyard Cafe, and giggling with your roommate. It is now work. Hard work. Days are long and dreary, assignments are piling up, and sleepless nights are inevitable (sorry Nobel Conference presenters).

Many know of and utilize the term “Campus Crush.” However, in the past couple of months, I have been developing a more defined philosophy around it that I think is essential to maintaining a positive spirit.

I believe that, unless you are in a relationship or reside on the aro-ace spectrum, every person should have and maintain three to five Campus Crushes. College is hard and sucks sometimes. Imagine you get out of your 8 a.m. class. The assignments are piling up and the week has just started. Now imagine the little flutter in your stomach you get as your Campus Crush walks down the hall and you give each other a bashful smile. You’re immediately uplifted, rising above the weight of your past exam scores.

Having three to five is essential. They need to come from different corners of your life: work, majors and minors, organizations, sports, etc. One interaction with one Campus Crush is not enough to keep the good vibes going throughout the entire day. These giddy feelings need to be rejuvenated after a couple of hours, just like taking a new set of ibuprofen.

However, in this new philosophy, there’s a catch. You are never allowed to date your Campus Crush. Why? Because it ruins everything.

Arguably, the best part of dating is when you aren’t. Instead, it’s the build-up. It’s the stolen glances across the Caf, the flirtatious texts after 10 p.m., and the endless amounts of yapping you can do with your friends about a two-minute interaction you had. Sure, stable, healthy relationships may provide just as much happiness, but honestly, who has time for that?

Now, there are other parts to this philosophy that I’ve developed…little intricacies that can make it even more fun. I won’t expound upon this in this article, but we can chat more if you want to hear. However, I would like to address how this philosophy coincides with healthy relationships.

Obviously, maintaining healthy relationships is the most important thing. After all, aren’t we all just searching for love and a deeper connection among humanity? Isn’t the point to find long-lasting friendships: the people you’ll invite to your wedding, the godparents of your children, the ones who celebrate your milestone birthdays and promotions at work? And maybe, amidst that, you find that special person who you’ll share a knitted blanket with on the porch, sipping steaming coffee and reminiscing as the sun rises.

All of that and more is a resounding yes, however, I am just currently trying to pass biology. I am trying to make it through lectures, homework, work, and my orgs as the days get shorter and shorter. Ya know?

The way I see it, your Campus Crush is never going to know they’re your Campus Crush, per the “no dating” clause. So what’s the harm in finding little joys in your brief conversations? What’s the harm in appreciating another person for all that they are and the happiness they bring to your life?

So, dear reader, go out there and love with your whole heart. Embrace connection, love deeply, and pursue joy. Like a nice cup of coffee or a cozy movie night, a Campus Crush is something to look forward to.

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