Gustie of the Week: Kobi Schuck

Amelia Dewberry-

This week’s Gustie of the Week is Senior Kobi Schuck. Schuck will graduate this December with a degree in Business Management and a Strategic Communications minor and start her job hunt, searching for a career in marketing. Schuck also hopes to travel after graduation.

She feels that her major has prepared her for the corporate world by learning about all aspects of business. “My professors have given me extensive skills by bringing in guest speakers, supplying real-life applications, and being amazing mentors,” Schuck said.

One of Schuck’s highlights from her time at Gustavus has been her role as a Peer Assistant. She’s in her third year as a Peer Assistant and serves as a coordinator this year. “It has been so inspiring to feel like we are making an impact on campus by bringing awareness to topics such as Substance Use, Mental Health, Healthy Relationships, Movement, and Nutrition. We continue to work to break social norms, while also fostering a community here on campus,” Shuck said.

Beyond Peer Assistants, Schuck is also on the Executive Board of Gustavus Women in Leadership (GWIL) as the Promotional Marketing Chair, works in the GustieWELL, is a Content Manager for the Business and Economics Department, and does marketing work for the Title IX Office. “GWIL provides mentorship opportunities and support that has prepared me for life after college, while also surrounding me with powerful women,” Schuck said.

Coordinator of Wellness Education Justine Schultz has known Schuck for the past two years and described her as “hands down one of the kindest souls you will ever meet.” Schultz recognizes Schuck’s kindness as one of her most admirable qualities: “She treats everyone with genuine care and empathy, ensuring that all feel valued and included.” One way Schuck demonstrates her care for others is by going out of her way to write all the Peer Assistants and Schultz personal notes of appreciation and excitement for the year ahead, making everyone feel included and loved.

Schultz enjoys working with Schuck, noting that she displays “incredible resilience” and approaches problems with “innovative solutions and thinking outside the box.” Additionally, Schultz notices Schuck’s leadership as others often turn to her for ideas, advice, and guidance. “She makes Gustavus a better place through her infectious enthusiasm and kind spirit which uplifts everyone around her,” Schultz commented.

Not only does Schuck encourage healthy living to others as a Peer Assistant, but she also embodies it in her own life. Senior and close friend Aubrey Kosters said “As her roommate, I can attest that Kobi treats her own space, habits, and wellbeing with a deep respect. She is consistently going to the gym, eating fresh foods, and sleeping an adequate amount, doing these things simply because she prioritizes her health, never for any kind of recognition.”

Kosters highlighted Schuck’s determination to uplift those around her while also filling her own cup up, even amidst her busy schedule. “The way that Kobi communicates is always rooted in honesty which contributes to her healthy, long-lasting friendships and other relationships. Her consistent expression of love and care for the people around her make her the most genuine of people. I admire her dedication to becoming a better, more intentional person in all that she does,” Kosters said.

Senior Ashley Barker echoed Schultz and Kosters’ appreciation for Schuck’s positive, caring, bright personality: “Kobi isn’t just a ray of sunshine; she’s a supernova, lighting up every room she enters. Her kindness, grace, and unwavering courage are like a warm blanket on a cold day, enveloping those around her in comfort and support. She’s the friend who’ll always have your back, the leader who inspires, and the confidante who listens without judgment.”

As Schuck wraps up her final semester at Gustavus, her biggest piece of advice to younger students is to step outside your comfort zone. Schuck wants everyone to know that “Gustavus is filled with endless opportunities, so please take advantage of the precious time you have here! Go to events you wouldn’t normally plan to, say hi to someone new, and get connected with your faculty and professors! The connections you make here will be so fulfilling.”

In the words of Barker, “Kobi embodies the very essence of what it means to be a Gustie. She’s more than just a student; she’s a beacon of hope, a catalyst for change, and a testament to the power of one person to make a difference.”

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