Gracie Abrams is healing: concert review

Katelyn Benschoter-

Everyone has a happy place. For some, that may be the beach, under their favorite tree, or even their bed. For me, my happy place is not one singular location, but wherever the next concert I am attending is. On September 25th, 2024 my happy place was The Armory in Minneapolis at the Gracie Abrams concert. Gracie Abrams is an indie pop singer-songwriter known for songs like “I miss you, I’m sorry” and “I know it won’t work.” This concert in particular was a part of her “The Secret of Us” Tour, for her album of the same title that came out in June earlier this year. I have been a big fan of Abrams for the last year and a half, but she has been putting out music since 2019. She is known for her heartbreaking lyrics disguised under pop melodies. Let’s just say screaming those lyrics was a beautiful memory I will never forget. If live music is also your happy place, I could not recommend seeing Abrams live enough.

To start off the show, Abrams played the first track off of “The Secret of Us”, titled “Felt Good About You.” I find that when a new tour starts, it is always interesting to see what songs the artist decides to begin and end the night with. Those songs really set the tone for the general atmosphere of the show. There is nothing quite like that moment when the artist you have been dying to see finally comes out on stage. So, the opening song must be just right. Abrams’ choice of opening song surprised me, as it is not too upbeat or an overly popular track. Yet I think it set the perfect tone for the rest of the evening ahead. She sang it on a higher platform revealing her figure, but not showing her entire self. This built up loads of anticipation amongst the audience. She then jumps into a fan favorite, “Blowing Smoke”, off her latest album which really ramped the energy up. This may be her biggest headlining tour, but this is not her first rodeo and she knows how to start a show off right.

One of my favorite aspects of the show was how she not only sang songs off the album she was touring but many others through her musical career thus far. Older songs such as “Mess it Up”, released in 2021, were played. Old songs like that one are a part of the reason she has risen to the level of fame that she has. Acknowledging the songs of her past created a super special feeling, not only for the fans to hear those songs live but also for Abrams herself. I am sure it was a moment of reflection for her, seeing how far she has come. One song in particular that was special to hear was “Close to You.” This song was written seven years ago, but only just released as a bonus track on the “The Secret of Us.” Fans have been begging for this song to be released for years, so to finally be able to dance and sing along at a sold-out show was pure magic. She shared her excitement with the crowd for finally being able to perform it. Not to mention this was the final song she sang of the evening, leaving the audience filled with pure joy and adrenaline after a night of swaying along to heartbreaking songs.

A unique aspect of this tour was that Abrams has taken after performers like Taylor Swift and incorporated “surprise songs” into her setlist. This means there is a section of every show where Abrams sets aside time to sing a song not on the setlist. These normally end up being deep cuts or fan favorites. I felt excitement and nervousness hoping I would recognize the song and wondering how the crowd was going to react. There was no need for nerves; she made an excellent choice. Abrams sang “Amelie” from her album “Good Riddance.” This song is a soft acoustic ballad recalling a brief but impactful interaction she had with a girl. It explores this idea of going from knowing someone so well to becoming strangers. Let’s just say fans were happy and the waterworks were flowing by the end of the song. In my section, there was a die-hard fan who gasped when she heard Abrams announce the song. She claimed that “Amelie” is her favorite Abrams song of all time. Creating a part of the night that is different for every show creates a very special feeling for the fans at each concert. It makes fans feel lucky to be able to experience that specific show. It also instills a bit of curiosity and eagerness when fans are arriving, wondering what song it will be. The entire surprise song section of the evening was definitely a high point in the night.

Speaking of other fans, the environment at this concert was so comforting, safe, and friendly. As the fans filed in, there were loads of bows, long white skirts, and Converse everywhere. The fans were all so excited and genuinely so kind to one another. I can attest the girls I chatted with in my section were so fun to talk to. We discussed other concerts we had been to, our favorite Abrams songs, and just enjoyed a lovely evening together. I could not have asked for a better concert environment.

As I have mentioned, Abrams is known for her heartbreakingly sad music, and I personally had a song in the night that left me with tears running down my cheeks. Abrams’ song “Free Now” is off her “The Secret of Us” album and is one of my favorite songs. She sings of reflecting on a relationship ending and coming to an understanding that it needed to end, and that both parties involved were not ready. She sings of how she wishes things could have been different. The song ends with her singing the lyrics “If you feel like falling, catch me on the way down, never been less empty, all I feel is free now.” I have always been a sucker for sad and poetic lyricism. I knew that from the first few words sung, I was going to cry. This is not a bad thing, hearing a song that means so much to me, and live nonetheless, was nothing short of healing.

I love concerts, and if I was rich I would attend every single one I could. Gracie Abrams’s concert is one that I would definitely want to attend again. She crafts a setlist that allows you to feel pure joy and then reflect on some of your saddest moments. From the surprise song to the fan environment, it was the perfect evening. There is something so magical about a concert. Everyone in that room is there because they love music as a whole; they love this music specifically. And getting to be face-to-face with the people who brought these songs to life is a dream. Music is one of the most special things in my life, and getting to attend a concert like Gracie Abrams made my heart happy.

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