Why We Love Rom-Coms (From a Rom-Com Hater)

Katelyn Benschoter-

I know, from the title of this article, you may be a little shocked. Who doesn’t love a rom-com? Well, the answer to your question would be me. I am not a fan of rom-coms – some may even call me a hater. It feels good to let that out into the world. While I have a few exceptions, most are too cheesy and predictable for me. I know the guy is going to get the girl and everything will be just dandy when the credits roll. I find it hard to find an original rom-com that has never been done before. So, there you have it. I am a rom-com hater, but the rest of the world seems to love them. Just why is that? As a rom-com hater, I have taken some time to outline why the rest of the world enjoys them so much, and I have found an honorable mention of a rom-com that I surprisingly find enjoyable.

To start off, what exactly is a rom-com? A rom-com is a subgenre of film, also known as romantic comedies. They are centered around a romantic plot with humorous lines and a lighthearted theme. They tend to start with a guy or a girl who is convinced they will “never find love” or have recently had some sort of horrible breakup. They are in a state of crisis and are not in the mood for love (shocker, they fall madly in love by the end of the film). They are often set in high schools or with busy businesswomen returning to her small quaint town. The main character then quickly finds themselves talking to their love interest, whom they usually start out hating or have some embarrassing first meeting with. This rocky start leads them to think that nothing will ever come of that relationship. Now, do not be too surprised when I say this, but they end up falling in love every single time. Queue the music, the birds chirping, and the main two characters kissing as if it is something out of a Disney movie. Many people swoon when they watch movies like The Notebook with the iconic kissing in the rain scene. I personally find scenes like these very cheesy.

The exact reason I find rom-coms to be unenjoyable is the key to their success. They are predictable, which provides a sense of stability in the audience. With how fast the world moves and changes, stability is one of the greatest comforts in life. Therefore, people are not always looking for a movie that is overly dramatic and will make them rethink everything they know. When they turn to Netflix, they want to know that the quiet new girl is going to end up with the damaged bad boy. While it is overdone, it allows the viewer to just relax and enjoy. There does not have to be a deep analysis for a movie to be enjoyable. Personally, I am a tad crazy and enjoy overthinking every aspect of a movie, but most of the human population enjoys a lighthearted film they can invite friends over to watch. This does make a lot of sense. Especially in recent years with the events in our world from COVID to the war in Ukraine or even the upcoming election, the world is heavy and can really weigh on our minds. That being said, people love watching movies for the same reason people love reading books: escapism. When you watch a movie, you are now in that world learning about the setting and the history of the characters; you become invested. When the world is scary, turning to a lighthearted film can be a good way to unwind. So, why I still stand by my view of being a rom-com movie hater, I understand why they get the love they do. Regardless, I am still going to choose a movie that makes my brain hurt a little bit over a cheesy rom-com. With all of that being said, I have found one rom-com I quite enjoy and feel is slightly less cheesy than the rest.

My one and only favorite rom-com that I will genuinely recommend is Ten Things I Hate About You. Call me a hypocrite for liking this film, as it certainly is a rom-com. But, it feels different. For example, the female protagonist, Kat Stratford, (who I want to be when I grow up) is very open about not looking for love and thinking it is all too cheesy; exactly how I feel about rom-coms. She is your classic “not like other girls” trope. She listens to rock music, is a hardcore feminist, does not dress overly girly, and loves reading Sylvia Plath. She is against wanting/needing a man until she meets Patrick. And yes, spoiler alert, they both end up falling in love. But it somehow feels less overdone. An aspect of why I actually enjoy 10 Things I Hate About You is because Kat is a much more layered protagonist than in most rom-coms. She has a tough shell to crack and has morals that she makes known. She changes the mold of what a female protagonist in a rom-com can be. Perhaps I have some bias as a girl who has forever loved English class because this film was based on a Shakespeare play, but I believe it to be the best rom-com out there. What I am saying here is that if you have not seen it, go watch it! If the film aspects are not enough to sell you, the soundtrack is phenomenal.

At the end of the day, it does not matter what I like. If you enjoy rom-coms, watch them. Watch what you enjoy. It makes a lot of sense (even speaking as a rom-com hater) why they are so popular. They provide a sense of stability in an extremely hectic world. It is important to find a way to escape sometimes, whether that be a film or not. I still stand by being a rom-com hater, but through writing this, I have gained a deeper sense of understanding why they are popular. But kissing in the rain, really? How much more cheesy can it get than that?

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