What was the Song of the Summer?

Katelyn Benschoter-

With summer coming to a close, it is time to reflect and reminisce. How will this summer be remembered? When looking back on summers of the past, a tool that is excellent at taking us back is the music of previous summers. For example, when we hear songs like “Blinding Lights” by The Weekend and “Running Up That Hill” by Kate Bush, we are transported back to 2020. Or when we hear songs like “Fancy” by Iggy Azalea or “Rude” by Magic, we are transported back to the summer of 2014. How exactly do these songs encapsulate that unique feeling of that summer? How does one create the perfect song of the summer? But the question I’m wondering is, what was the song of summer for 2024?

As a self-proclaimed pop culture enthusiast, this summer’s “Song of the Summer” is a close tie between two upbeat fun pop hits. Pop music is so back. The first of the two is Sabrina Carpenter’s “Espresso”. This song in particular was the perfect lead into summer as it was released on April 11th, 2024. From the humorous lyricism Carpenter is known for to the funky beat it was impossible to get this song out of your head. I can attest to this as a barista. In my spare time, I found myself singing the lyric “It’s that me espresso” anytime a customer ordered an espresso drink. In addition to the song itself, Carpenter strengthened her spot in holding the “Song of the Summer” title by releasing a visually stunning music video. The video is filled with Carpenter dancing on a beach, riding in a boat, and an over-saturated filter to create a sunkissed tan appearance. While there is no denying that “Espresso” was one of the popular songs of the past year, what about it led to it being so popular? Just how did Carpenter craft the perfect “song of the summer”?

There are a few key traits a song must hold to be eligible for the “Song of the Summer” title. The most critical trait it must hold is a certain level of catchiness. If your song does not have a short line or phrase that can be easily repeated, forget about being considered for the title of “Song of the Summer.” People must be able to easily remember the chorus of your song even if they are not a fan of the song. An easy way to find what the song of the summer could be is to look at a song you absolutely could not escape for months. If all you hear when you are in various public settings is that one song, you may have found the song of the summer. You may not like pop music in the slightest, but I would take a good guess that most everyone has heard “I’m working late because I’m a singer” at some point this previous summer. This line has become iconic and very popular to make videos on apps like TikTok and Instagram.

The other song that ties for “The Song of the Summer” is an excellent example of having that catchiness factor. That song would of course be “HOT TO GO!” by Chappell Roan. Now, unlike Carpenter’s song which was a perfect lead into summer, Roan’s hit was released a whole summer prior back in the summer of 2023. Roan has recently gained an immense wave of popularity in the peak months of summer 2024. A lot of that fame comes from her song “HOT TO GO!” in particular. Like “Espresso”, a contributing factor to the popularity of Roan’s song was its easily remembered and catchy chorus. Roan sings spelling out the song’s name “HOT TO GO!” Which creates an incredibly easy chorus to memorize. If you can spell, this song is for you.

Another important and fun way to create a song of the summer is one of the key reasons Roan’s song blew up the way that it has. During the chorus of “HOT TO GO!” Roan has created a choreographed dance that she teaches the crowd at her concerts. The dance has caught on and become a massive trend all over platforms such as TikTok. Not only has the dance itself become a trend, but there have been many trends that were offshoots of the original  “HOT TO GO!” Dance.

So there we have it folks, the official song of the 2024 summer is a tie between Sabrina Carpenter’s “Espresso” and Chappell Roan’s “HOT TO GO!”. Both have extremely catchy choruses and have inspired many trends. How will we remember this summer in five years, in ten years, in fifty years? Will these songs bring us back all memories we made, or fill us with a state of embarrassment of our previous self? I guess the only way to know for sure is to wait and see.

Until then, enjoy these songs and savor the last few days of summer-like weather. Both Carpenter and Roan have full albums out that include these “songs of the summer” that have become so popular. Take a listen to start off the school year right. One day, you will be telling your grandchildren about that one summer when everyone was working late because they all claimed to be singers.

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