Jojo Siwa: back like a boomerang

Sophia White-

Jojo Siwa is facing karma with all these allegations surrounding the release of her new song, “Karma”. After its release, Siwa claimed to be in her new era, but is there really a difference between dancing bows and female Gene Simmons? The real disappointment in this statement is that Siwa has no idea who Gene Simmons is when asked about their recent likeness in interviews. What’s even worse is that Siwa claims to be the first to have made such a “radical” change in her style during her lifetime of stardom, which is completely and utterly false when you look at Miley Cyrus who made that kind of change famous, or even Amanda Bynes who looks completely different. And the controversies just keep stacking up.

The first thing I would like to discuss is how the song leads us to believe that Siwa deals with the karma of her actions and is suffering from something. She has a net worth of over 20 million and a car covered in decals of her face, and she’s suffering? She hasn’t even been fully de-platformed for some of the things she has done or supported either. I’m not seeing karma. She faces no consequences for her actions. The release of this song has created so many memes that she is not only benefitting monetarily but it also is hiding a recent controversy of hers that involves the abuse of a disabled child in a child’s dance group that Siwa and her mother formed called, XOMG pop.

One of the dancers in this group of minors received surgery for her spine and was forced to dance and exercise while in recovery by Siwa and her mother. If she didn’t, the girl would be kicked out of the XOMG pop group. She ended up leaving the group of her own accord and has now been speaking out about it on social media. What a coincidental time to have this controversy come out and simultaneously start posting snippets of a new song. The whole dance group incident has essentially been swept under the rug as a result of Siwa’s release of “Karma” and the interest it has received.

That isn’t even the last of it though. Karma was not written by Siwa, as we all have been led to believe. Nor some random record producer. It was written by someone else entirely who did not permit Siwa to pass the song off as her own. Brit Smith wrote “Karma” in 2014 and left the song unreleased with an available music video for people to watch. Siwa has yet to comment on this, but she claims that the song was her own creation and that the lyrics mean a lot to her. All the lyrics and melodies are copied other than the one line in which, in Siwa’s version it says, “I would’ve never [effed] around” and in Britt Smith’s version the lyric goes, “I would’ve never [messed] around”. Siwa putting “effed” in is the only difference between her version and Smith’s – and it isn’t even the actual curse word! It’s just sad. As a way to get back at Siwa, Smith released the unreleased version to the public that was written in 2014 recently. Unfortunately, it can only be referenced as a cover of Siwa’s song as Siwa bought the rights before Smith could. This leaves another person wrongfully exploited by the reign of Jojo Siwa.

Siwa describes herself as having been a “bad girl” in the past, but in reality, she still is. Not even in the cool way, but in the cringy “I wish you would stop posting things” kind of way. I showed the music video to my own mother and she described Siwa as, and I quote, “a toilet snake.” I don’t even know what that is, but it sounds correct.

Siwa is allowed to do the kind of content she wants to until she genuinely harms other people, yet I think that has already been done. Between abusing children, supporting social media pedophiles, trying to dethrone Miley Cyrus, and stealing someone else’s music, Jojo Siwa should be de-platformed. It’s as simple as that. However, in reality, it sadly isn’t that simple.

I’ve started to come to terms with the fact that people like this cannot be “canceled”. They have money and won’t suffer karma unless we take away the thing they feed off of: attention. Granted, I am giving Siwa attention right now by writing an article about her, but I am doing it in hopes that the song gets out of my head and I can get out of this Siwa meme cycle. It is really funny to see the clips of her swimming out of the toilet, but I am going on a personal boycott now. People can only be de-platformed by not giving them views or your time, and I think we should all work on that with those influencers and celebrities we know are doing things that should not be publicized and still earning money off of it. There are going to be thousands of controversies from thousands of different people, but I am going to put my time and views toward those I want to count on. Not towards Jojo Siwa. This time her boomerang is not coming back.