Tattoos belong in the workplace

Houston McLaury-

With each day that passes by, multiple aspects of culture are changing. Whether it’s the dialect we use, what’s considered relevant, or fashion sensibilities, all change and morph no matter how often we try to stop it. Yet, one thing that seems to be shifting more and more in our modern day is the opinions of tattoos and the professionalism they seem to hinder. Throughout the majority of the past, tattoos were frowned upon in a professional environment, often people pointing out it could be considered a distraction to some, while others feel that it can ruin the professionalism of a person. Yet, because these tattoos often have unique designs, they let the wearer express parts of themselves through their ink, sparking discussions and letting a deeper form of expression take place through the tattoo.

Of course, this isn’t the case for every tattoo. Sometimes, tattoos are just fun and can remind a person of a time in their life that has passed. Take, for example, the snail tattoo. My friend received a tattoo gun a few years ago and started testing designs on practice skin, helping them improve their abilities when they were first starting. And, sometimes they would test some of these designs on themself, seeing how well it could work on real skin. Most of these designs were silly and meant to be fun; one such creation was a snail they tattooed on their arm.

It’s a small snail, no simple way to describe it except that it looks like it’s smiling with two little dots for eyes as it looks up from their arm. While this snail doesn’t betray a great secret of my friend, it still offers up a great point of storytelling, the ability to regale another with how the tattoo was created, and how it came to look the way it did. While it may not be the most professional item in the world, it serves as a wonderful reminder of what their passions were in the past and reminds them of that past every time they look at it.

This can go in the opposite direction as well, as I’ve alluded to already, with tattoos holding great personal meaning to a person. For some people, tattoos are a way to convey an ideal, personality, or value that they hold close, and instead of offering a funny story, this can offer a greater insight into the person. And, with this greater insight into a person, new connections can be made simply by asking the person about the tattoo, its meaning, and if it has any greater significance. Tattoos offer a greater chance at self-expression, one that becomes apparent to all who see it and becomes a permanent part of the person, much like how our memories become permanent parts of ourselves.

Even with the self-expression and points of discussion that can come from tattoos, many people are still against them in the workplace, citing that it is “unprofessional.” Of course, professionalism to many people means wearing similar clothes to everyone else and being reduced to the single identity of a worker instead of a person. Tattoos threaten the status quo in workplaces, offering a deeper perspective into a person instead of just seeing them as a coworker, people can know each other on a deeper level.

But, if you are thinking about getting a tattoo, and are worried about its effects on your “hireability”, don’t forget that the location of these tattoos can make it easier to hide them. Obviously, a tattoo on the face is going to be impossible to hide, but putting a tattoo on your arm, leg, or some other area that is easily covered with cloth will help reduce its visibility. While times are changing, there are still multiple jobs that prohibit the exposure of tattoos for the sake of professionalism. Being able to hide your tattoo will still let you express yourself while adhering to the restrictions of the workplace.

In expressing ourselves on a deeper level and sparking multiple discussions, tattoos shouldn’t be discouraged in the workplace but rather encouraged. The ability to make deeper connections with people through said tattoos is invaluable in the real world. And, while some places are still stuck in the past, having hideable tattoos will ensure that you’re able to express yourself without facing a talk about not fitting into the company’s image. Let yourself connect with others, instead of sinking into the model professionalism wants you to take.