Gustavus welcomes new faculty

Gustavus Adolphus is welcoming five new professors this fall, each of whom bring new perspectives and skills into the Gustavus community. Guarionex Salivia and Dongji Feng will join the Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics departments. Also joining the Golden Gusties are Lindsay Webster and Matthew Trucano into the Theatre and Dance department, and Samuel Piccolo as an addition to the Political Science Department. 

Salivia will teach MCS-177 Computer Science I, MCS-177 Lab, and MCS-178 Lab this semester. According to his Gustavus faculty page, his main research interest is in Human-Computer Interaction and Assistive Technologies. Salivia has received both a Masters of Science degree in Mathematics as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Computer Science, both of which he received from the University of Iowa. Salivia enjoys adventure outside of the classroom. “I am from Puerto Rico and always looking for opportunities to share my culture with others. I love soccer, snorkeling, kayaking, rock climbing, cross-country skiing, and the outdoors,” Salivia said. 

Joining Salivia is Dongji Feng, who will teach MCS-276 Introduction to System. He received his Doctorate of Philosophy from Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama. His research focuses on the improvement of selecting and designing AI models for intelligent systems, but his interests outside the classroom vary widely. “I like basketball, swimming, soccer, cooking, reading, and movies,” Feng said. Gustavus’ devotion to academics drew Feng in, more specifically, “Its strong reputation for academic excellence and its commitment to the success of students and faculty,” he stated. 

Webster will teach Beginning Experiments in Design, Stage Management, and Documentation/Career Prep this fall. Having received both a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Arts from Marquette University, Webster also brings a computer science background into scenography and is interested in advanced technology. She also holds a Master of Fine Arts in Scenography with an additional emphasis in scenic and projection design from the University of Kansas. This includes digital art, 3D modeling, and projection mapping. What drew Webster to Gustavus was its set of values, “Gustavus truly lives out ‘Liberal Arts’ values – there are real collaborations happening across departments and disciplines, a rich and supported arts community, opportunities for interesting research and exploration, and a deep passion for education. The students are equally as passionate and driven!” Webster exclaimed. 

Joining Webster in the Theatre and Dance department is Matthew Trucano who received his Bachelor of Arts from St. Olaf College and his Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University, according to his Gustavus Faculty page.

The Political Science department welcomes newcomer Samuel Piccolo, who will be teaching Native American Politics and Philosophy, along with the Politics of Race and Racism. He received his Bachelor of Arts from Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario, and a Master of Arts as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Notre Dame. His work focuses on the relationship between North American Indigenous political thought as well as Western philosophy and he is currently working on a book concerning this topic. Political Science speaks to Piccolo on another level because of its intersectionality, “My favorite thing about political theory is how it can intersect with dozens of other disciplines, from literature to physics. I’m always interested in talking to and teaching students whose majors appear distant from political science to see how their studies interact with political life,” Piccolo said. 

We are so excited to welcome these new editions to our Gustavus Faculty and overall Gustavus Family, Here’s to a great 2023-2024 school year!