An accomplished musican, world traveler, and International Business major, Senior Ian Bachmayer has made a name for himself at Gustavus as a true jack of all trades.
Originally from Roseville, Minnesota, Bachmayer graduated from St. Anthony Village High School, and followed in his family’s footsteps to become a Gustie like his brother and sister.
“I picked Gustavus because it felt like home; it wasn’t too big or too small, and I’d been coming here since I was little. I was also at a crossroads in my life where I was deciding if I would like to pursue music as a career or something else, and I liked that Gustavus let you participate in music ensembles without being a music major,” Bachmayer said.
Once he arrived on campus as a first year, Bachmayer quickly found his niche in music ensembles. Up until his junior year, he participated in the Jazz Band and Gustavus Wind Orchestra, where he met “some of his very core friends to this day”.
In fact, he cites his time in Jazz Band as one of the most impactful experiences of his college career, especially the 2016 tour to Greece and Macedonia. “Being in a music ensemble gives me the opportunity to be part of something bigger than myself, and it lets me impact my community in a positive way,” Bachmayer said.
Aside from his musical mastery, he also gives back to the Gustavus community in his role as a Peer Assistant. This year marks Bachmayer’s third year being a part of the organization, and his participation in the program has been another of his favorite experiences on campus.
As a Peer Assistant, Bachmayer is used to sharing his wisdom with students.
“If I had any advice for younger students, I would tell them to say yes to more opportunities, even if they are nervous that they won’t be successful. I think back to my first year on campus, and I remember signing up for lots of different activities, but not really investing myself in any of them. I still wish I had said yes more often. Also, drink lots of water, and don’t be afraid to go up to a potential new friend and say hi,” Bachmayer said.
One opportunity he recently took advantage of was the chance to host his own Gustavus radio show.

“Since I quit the Wind Orchestra this year, I saw that I had five extra hours a week that I could dedicate to doing something else. I have always been interested in radio, so I decided to start a radio show with my good friend Linsey Wolf,” Bachmayer said.
The pair decided to begin Tea and Tunes, a weekly radio program focused on exposing the Gustavus community to new, diverse music.
“We play songs that we like, have conversations about artists, and tell stories about what the music means to us”, Bachmayer said. One of his personal favorite artists is Pinegrove, who he has been lucky enough to see twice in concert. “I’m always listening to music, so I really appreciate the platform to talk about it and share how I feel”, he said.
Bachmayer fully intends to take his passion for music to the next level with his career plans.
One of his ultimate goals is to pursue the entrepreneurial venture of having his own music bar or community space where local bands, students, and families can come together to play and enjoy music in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
His desire to create this space stems from “a love for being a part of something bigger than myself,” Bachmayer said.
For the mean time, however, Bachmayer is enjoying his final year on the hill. He is living with his first-year roommate, in the very apartment where he met many of his very closest friends at a get-together nearly 3 years ago.
“Gustavus has brought me both some of my best times, and my worst times. But, I wouldn’t have gotten through it without my friends, especially Josh Mason, the support of my girlfriend Rachel Strandmark, and my parents. I have truly made some of the best memories I will ever have,” Bachmayer said.
Gusties can catch Bachmayer and Wolf’s radio show Tea and Tunes by tuning into the KGSM Student Radio livestream on Thursdays at 7 to 9 PM at