Senior Alexander Jensen did not consider attending Gustavus at first. His grandmother attended Gustavus in the early 1960s, but it was not until he toured the college that he decided it was the place for him.

The opportunity to play football and a generous scholarship didn’t hurt either.

“I’m very interested in progressive politics, and I care very much about making sure that all people have the resources and education they need to lead happy and healthy lives,” Alex said.

His passion is what led him to major in Political Science with a minor in History. Alex’s interests have also informed how he has been involved with his community, both on and off campus.

He said that he has served as treasurer for Building Bridges, a DLC Representative for the College Democrats, and a student representative to a few committees on student conduct and institutional advancement, among many other things.

Alex has also worked as a Summer Organizing Fellow with Students for Education Reform (SFER) and a Campaign Assistant on Tim Walz’ 2016 campaign. Furthermore, he volunteers with the Immune Deficiency Foundation as a Patient Advocate, often traveling to Washington, D.C. for the responsibility.

“I knew he was meant to be a grad student when I lent him one of my books and it came back with about 200 pink sticky notes marking parts of the book he thought were interesting.” — Katherine Knutson

His work and impact have not gone unnoticed. Sophie Leininger, a friend of Alex’s, said, “He has certainly left his mark on this campus and the people around him.”

Liza Long, another friend of Alex’s, enthusiastically stated, “He is a joy to be around because you can tell that he is really present and cares about you.”

Alex’s academic work is equally impressive. Leininger told how, last semester on top of his course load, Alex completed his senior thesis for political science, writing thirty more pages than necessary.

Furthermore, as an undergraduate student, he has already had research published – quite a feat.

Alex has already published research and been accepted to multiple PhD programs to study political behavior and the institutions of American government.

Area Coordinator Lindsay Henderson met Alex during CF interviews. “As soon as I met him I could tell what a great person he was and immediately wanted him to be a CF on one of my staffs,” Henderson said. “He cares deeply about others and causes he believes in. His words aren’t empty and he follows through on anything he says he will do.”

Alex certainly does not regret his choice to attend to Gustavus. “The friends that I have made and the relationships that I’ve built with my professors at Gustavus are most important to me,” he said.

However, it hasn’t all been easy. “I’ve been blessed with a group of friends who have made the challenges that college presents worth the struggle,” Alex said.

After graduating from Gustavus, Alex plans on pursuing a PhD studying the American government. He hopes to continue his political involvement and advocacy for the issues that are important to him.

Professor Katherine Knutson first met Alex when he took one of her classes. She shared a telling story. “I knew he was meant to be a grad student and future professor when I lent him one of my books and it came back with about 200 pink sticky notes marking parts of the book he thought were interesting.”

“He cares deeply about others and causes he believes in. His words aren’t empty and he follows through on anything he says he will do.” — Lindsay Henderson

Though a PhD is not the end point for Alex. “I want to continue writing and researching, and eventually begin teaching at a college or university on topics of political behavior and the institutions of American government,” he said.

Alex has already been accepted to a few PhD programs but is waiting to hear back from a few more before finalizing his decision. Even though, he still has most of a semester left to enjoy Gustavus.

“He is one of those people who make the world a whole lot brighter,” Leininger said. No doubt the Gustavus community feels the same way about Alex having chosen to be a Gustie.

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