Joy Dunna likes to start off her day by thinking, “I am alive, I am awake, I am alert, I am enthusiastic!”
With her positive mindset, she makes the most of every day and is able to brighten up the people around her, as well as the campus at Gustavus Adolphus College.
Joy grew up in Saint Paul, Minnesota and attended Hill Murray High School before making her way to Gustavus.
She fell in love with the college immediately.
“Gustavus was the very first school I toured when I started my college search. I found myself comparing every school I looked at afterward to Gustavus, and nothing could ever compare to life on the hill,” Joy said.
For Joy, home is a feeling more than it is a place.
“Gustavus felt like home all of the times I was on campus, so I decided to make it my home in the physical sense of the word too. So far it is one of the best decisions I have ever made,” Joy said.
Joy is currently a sophomore and is majoring in pre-nursing. She is also pursuing a minor in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies.
“Joy is one of the most caring, thoughtful, and genuine people you will ever meet.” — Maddy Schwartz
Professor of History and GWSS Kate Wittenstein has had Joy in two classes and is already very impressed with her.
“I consider Joy a model student both in her preparation for and interest in the classes she takes,” Wittenstein said.
“She is open minded and willing to grow in her thinking—a perfect role model of a liberal arts student who takes her education seriously.”
Professor Wittenstein has attempted to encourage Joy to become a history major on several occasions, but has not convinced her quite yet.
Joy Dunna is impressive in academics, as well as in her involvement around campus.
She is a Gustie Greeter, serving as a resource, friend, mentor, and leader on campus for new incoming students.
She is also active in Building Bridges, a student organization that focuses on educating and informing community members on issues relating to social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
In addition, Joy participates in Feminist Bible Study and is the secretary of the Women’s Action Coalition.
She works as a tour guide in the Admission Office and is a member of the Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority on campus.
As if that is not enough, Joy finds time to be in the Cribbage Club too.
Although she juggles an extremely active presence in a variety of organizations at Gustavus with schoolwork, Joy manages to be described with only positive adjectives by her close friends.

“Joy is compassionate, motivated, and oh so easy to get along with,” Zach Diedrich, a good friend of Joy’s, said.
Maddy Schwartz has been a buddy of Joy’s since high school and is now one of her sorority sisters.
“Joy is one of the most caring, thoughtful, and genuine people you will meet,” Schwartz said, “She is a great choice for Gustie of the Week.”
Joy Dunna is also often praised by her friends to be an eminently positive person, who has great influence on their day to day lives.
“She goes about her life, aware of it’s challenges, but she keeps her head up and lifts her friends up too with her positive attitude,” Diedrich said.
“Whenever you cross her path, you are greeted with a bright, shining smile and an array of positivity,” Schwartz said.
“I am always in a better mood after I spend time with Joy as her personality is contagious.”
Dunna often tells Diedrich to “treat yourself. Spend more, do more, BE more.”
Diedrich explains that “while sounding like a vain, materialistic phrase, it has deeper meaning to [them].”
He said, “We both know that school is hard, and that sometimes you need a little pick me up treat to get through the day.
It’s our little way of motivating each other to keep going and to get through the tough times.”
Tough times seem to be ineffective as Joy embodies the emotion that is her name.
Every morning when she wakes up, Joy reminds herself she is alive and that she “already has so much to be grateful for that morning.”
“After that,” Joy said, “I can go about my day trying my best to be alert and enthusiastic.”