Running Club to take part in Mankato Marathon

Previously known as the Gustavus Triathlon Club, the GAC Running Club has been making its mark across campus. The runners vary in experience and level, but share the same passion for exercise. Senior McCartney Renn is a founder and co-president of the club, along with Senior Courtney Tusler. Renn wanted to create a team atmosphere to an individual sport.

“Workouts are so hard to be motivated to do on our own. It is more successful and enjoyable with others,” Renn said.

Members of the club also have different goals. Some run for the exercise, some run because they enjoy it, and some run to train for marathons and triathlons.

“I am training for the Mankato Marathon along with three others in the club, so we run on average 30-40 miles per week,” Renn said.

The Running Club is unique compared to track and field and cross country due to the fact that anyone can participate at a non-competitive level.

Some students participate in varsity sports along with the club, while other students joined the club with their personal goal of running one mile.

According to Women’s Health Magazine, running is a very beneficial sport, and it doesn’t require any equipment other than a good pair of tennis shoes. Running is considered one of the top activities for burning fat. It has also been proven that running long distances can help relieve headaches while short runs are great for relieving anger. Running releases endorphins through your body, making you feel happier and less stressed afterwards.

“I like to run outside because it takes my mind off of all of the stresses of life. After a run I feel rejuvenated and ready to go,” Renn said.

Some events coming up in the area include the Mankato Marathon held this Sunday, Oct. 19 in Mankato, the Halloween Fun Run on Oct. 25 in St. Peter, Trail Jam 2014 on Nov. 1 in Mankato, and the Chocoholic Frolic on Nov. 2 in St. Paul.

“The nicest thing about this club is the discounted races. We are awarded money from Student Senate, and the Board picks and chooses fun races around the area to promote. Depending on how many club members are interested in racing, we give a certain amount of discount to each person,” Public Affairs Chair Carrie Boike said.

Registering for races usually costs around $30 individually, and all runners also obtain free items such as t-shirts and food.

Any students interested in joining the Running Club can check out the Gustavus Running Club Facebook page. Renn and other members update the page weekly with scheduled workouts and events in the area. Many members also attend the free workout classes in the Lund Center, such as Tabata, cardio strength, yoga, and bootcamp. Students who are interested or have questions can also email either Renn at mrenn, Tusler at ctusler or Boike at cboike.

“If you are an avid runner, someone who wants to start running, or just enjoys a leisurely run, this is a great club for you. Races are always a good time and are a great way to make some fun memories with your time at Gustavus,” Boike said.

-Emma Hunt