Let’s All Agree Not to be Hipsters

laura_headshot copyIt started with Twilight. Then the Hunger Games. Now, it’s things as silly as hating people who like a children’s movie like Frozen. People who haven’t even seen these movies or read the books state that they hate them simply because they’re popular enough to cause a ruckus among most of society. People like them, so people post about them on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter and they talk about them and it’s exhausting, right?

Nah. Well, maybe. The site Buzzfeed quizzes about “Which Frozen character you are most like” have circulated just enough for me to get annoyed at seeing Olaf’s face. But this obsession with Frozen, Twilight and other popular films doesn’t discredit the awesomeness of said films.

Sure, Twilight wasn’t that amazing of a book or a movie, but it obviously had something that made people like it. There’s a love story, which is intriguing. That forbidden love storyline will live forever. There are some nice word choices used throughout the series. Maybe too many philosophical quotes about animals, but hey, give the people what they want. What would we tattoo on ourselves if not for Twilight quotes? Twilight had something to it that was interesting and maybe even good. Which isn’t something to be embarrassed about.

Even if it’s not such a great book, it’s still entertaining. Not everything you read needs to stimulate your brain to its fullest capacity. There’s a reason Twilight is popular and there’s a reason Frozen is popular.

Not only does Frozen have amazing music, it has a wonderful and unique plotline. Yes, there’s a love story. Big deal. You try to get an audience interested in something that circles around just hate and dread. But the main love plot isn’t romantic. I won’t give it away, but it’s pretty freaking wonderful how they twist it at the end.

Elsa’s character also portrays what can happen if depression and anxiety are not treated correctly as a child. Ignoring it and telling her to hide it only makes it worse and makes her afraid she’s going to hurt other people. There’s fact behind why “Let it Go” is so inspiring and catchy. She’s letting go of everything that held her back. It’s kind of obvious. But still, it doesn’t make it bad.

Personally, I’m sick of people refusing to devote their time to something simply because other people like it. Really, are we there already?

If that were true, no one would have caught on to this whole “women voting” idea or the fact that maybe slavery wasn’t such a good idea. Granted, that’s a stretch, but you get where I’m going. There is a reason things like Frozen are popular. And it’s not terrible.

We all have our guilty pleasures when it comes to television or books. I don’t think we should.

If we were accepting of people liking romance novels or reality TV, maybe we wouldn’t have to have a phrase like “guilty pleasure.” It would just be an interest.

Let people read Fifty Shades of Gray if that’s what blows their skirt up. It’s a book. It doesn’t define their personality for the rest of their life.

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