Through pots of chocolate, strawberries, pretzels and more, news about President’s Ball spreads through campus with a buzz of excitement. On Thursday, Feb. 20, students gathered around fondue in Norelius Hall, Pittman Hall, and the Courtyard Café. The event was a preview for the President’s Ball and a time to answer the questions that first timers might have about the popular campus event.
The Campus Activities Board Special Events co-executive, Alexa Peterson describes President’s Ball as a must-go-to event at Gustavus.
“It’s totally open. Come with your friends, come hang out, and expect a good night with music, fun, dancing. It will be a good and classy night for Gustavus students to get off campus,” Peterson said.
Typically, President’s Ball is held in the Twin Cities, but this year it will be held at the Verizon Wireless Center in Mankato. The Fondue night was an information session to draw attention to the event and give students an idea of what to expect.
Special Events Committee Member Danielle Kirchner was happy with the turn out for Fondue Night and thought that it was an ideal setting for critical details to be shared.
“Fondue Night is to get everyone to know what’s happening, when it’s happening, to get them excited about it, and get them a chance to win free tickets… there is a limited number this year for tickets since it is in Mankato,” Kirchner said.
CAB urges students to buy their tickets soon, as they went on sale on Monday, Feb. 24. They can only sell about 600 tickets this year and typically about 800 students attend the event.
First-Year Claire Bowman attended Fondue Night and was very pleased with the event and its job of clearing the air on important details for girls.
“I thought it was a good way to display what we are supposed to wear because there was a lot of miscommunications about what formality this event was,” Bowman said.
She also is excited about all of the details she has heard from upperclassmen about President’s Ball.
“I’ve heard that it’s really fun, and a lot of people go, all ages, something everyone gets excited for, and in turn, I’m excited because I’m hearing about everyone else’s good experiences from past years,” Bowman said.
The attire for this event typically includes cocktail dresses for women and button-up shirts and ties for men, but floor-length dresses and suits can be spotted as well. This year’s President’s Ball will be Moroccan themed, but Peterson warns not to be fooled by this detail because students don’t have to dress to match the theme.
“It’s a Moroccan theme, but we aren’t really advertising it that way because we want people to get that the purpose of the theme is more for the colors and decorations of the event,” Peterson said.
Junior Daniel Felton has gone to President’s Ball both of his years at Gustavus and looks forward to another great year of community there.
“President’s Ball is a culminating event in the spring to celebrate the president of the school and the administration and everything while at the same time get everyone all ‘classied’ up and coming together as a community while having a good time and dancing,” Felton said.
President’s Ball is an example of the many Gustavus events that focus on binding the strong community even tighter.
President’s Ball will take place on Saturday, March 15 from 5 to 11 p.m. Tickets cost $20 per person and coach bus transportation to and from the event will be provided for an additional fee of $5. All students are able to attend, and a date is not required. However, students are able to purchase tickets for a non-Gustavus student date.
President’s Ball provides food, music, dancing, photo booths, and socializing with friends. This year there will be live music from the Shaw Brothers Band along with set breaks designated for more current music for all to dance to as well. So Gusties, slip those heels on, tighten those ties, and get ready for another exciting year of President’s Ball.