If you believe a woman’s place is in the kitchen and that after she’s made you a sandwich, vacuumed, and done the dishes, she should rub your feet, then a website entitled Return of Kings may be for you.
This website is dedicated to the principle that men should act like men, and women should act like women, which is still a popular social attitude despite major cultural movements. However, this website takes things a little too far with their “traditional” beliefs.
For example, their information page is the only place where the word woman appears. In other articles, woman is substituted with more offensive terms … the primary one being slut.
Some of the Return of Kings community beliefs include how women and men are genetically and physically different. Men can be as promiscuous as they desire without any repercussions, men do not need to be faithful, elimination of gender roles creates wanton women, and the only value women have depends on their fertility and beauty.
To top it off, on this page there is a caveat: “women and homosexuals are prohibited from commenting here. They will be immediately banned.”
So basically, no girls allowed.
The website is comprised of a group of bloggers who write articles every few days. Some of the titles of these articles include “Fat Single Mothers Are Child Abusers,” “5 Ways To Bully Fat Sluts On A Date,” “The Sissy Who Refused To Wear Men’s Clothing,” and “Real Men Don’t Wait For A Yes.”

These articles have an array of opinions, from disdaining single mothers, mocking obesity, persecuting men who are not masculine, disputing what the requirements for rape are, and attributing rape statistics to women’s hysteria.
The only women who are valued are those who are completely obedient, easy, or attractive. Men are always respected, as long as they are heterosexual and have a good character. Besides this slim category, all of the other groups are disrespected and verbally abused. Calls for action are often found in the comments section.
A website like this is a wake-up call. It is not only childish, but extremely hateful. It is important to read these malicious things, as it provides insight into the minds and the beliefs of the people who founded it.
So many events in history could have been prevented if the community would have pulled together after facing hatred, rather than turning a blind eye. Hate has always existed, especially in our country. Social change cannot occur until a problem is acknowledged. Nothing will ever change if people do not know what they are trying to change, and narrow-mindedness will always exist if those with open minds forget that people are spreading hate.
It’s easy to forget that there are people with this narrow worldview when we live on a campus that has so many opportunities to accept others’ differences. Only a few days ago, we were celebrating these differences with Coming Out Week. But even on a campus such as Gustavus, the lessons learned from Return of Kings are priceless.